Managing Playlists 1 2 3
A wide variety of scripts that automate the creation and/or management of Playlists and perform other inter-Playlist activities.
Sorted by date posted. Click on a script's name and go to its entry page which contains more information and download link.
- Refresh Smart Playlists v4.4
- [ For Music/TV ] Compel selected Smart Playlists to refresh their track contents
- Short link:
- date posted: January 21, 2024 - total downloads 1118
- Merge-Delete Playlists v7.4
- [ For Music ] Batch merge and/or delete playlists
- Short link:
- date posted: November 11, 2023 - total downloads 850
- Delete Empty Playlists v5.4
- [ For Music ] Delete all or selected empty playlists
- Short link:
- date posted: November 9, 2023 - total downloads 1276
- Move Playlists to Folder v4.5
- [ For Music ] Move selected playlists to a new or existing folder
- Short link:
- date posted: November 4, 2023 - total downloads 1586
- Remove From Other Playlists v2.3
- [ For Music/TV ] Remove the selected tracks from every other user playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: August 4, 2023 - total downloads 417
- Duplicate Playlist Folder as Playlist v3.0
- [ For Music ] Duplicate tracks from all levels of a selected Playlist Folder to a new playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: July 21, 2023 - total downloads 157
- Block Party! v5.1
- [ For Music ] Create a playlist of random Artists and set number of random songs back-to-back
- Short link:
- date posted: February 9, 2023 - total downloads 417
- Assimilate View Options v6.2
- [ For Music ] Recreate a playlist such that its visible columns mirror the Music library
- Short link:
- date posted: February 3, 2023 - total downloads 2432
- Make Playlists By Tag v4.2
- [ For Music ] Create a playlist for each entry of a specified tag
- Short link:
- date posted: February 3, 2023 - total downloads 757
- Playlists Info v2.1
- [ For Music ] Displays size, time, track count and more info about each Playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: January 24, 2023 - total downloads 330
- Compare Two Playlists v5.2
- [ For Music ] List tracks common or exclusive to two playlists
- Short link:
- date posted: January 21, 2023 - total downloads 1016
- New Shuffled Playlist v2.1
- [ For Music ] Copy the selected playlist with tracks in shuffled play order
- Short link:
- date posted: February 4, 2022 - total downloads 1005
- Slice Up A Playlist v1.0
- [ For Music/TV ] Sub-divide a playlist into smaller variably-lengthed playlists
- Short link:
- date posted: January 17, 2022 - total downloads 54
- Divvy Up A Playlist v3.0
- [ For Music ] Copy tracks from large playlist into smaller time limited playlists
- Short link:
- date posted: January 8, 2022 - total downloads 194
- Drop to Add and Make Playlists v4.0
- [ For Music ] Droplet adds files, creates playlists based on folder name(s)
- Short link:
- date posted: November 24, 2021 - total downloads 278
- Random Full Albums to Playlist v4.1
- [ For Music ] Fill a playlist with user-set number of randomly selected full albums
- Short link:
- date posted: September 2, 2021 - total downloads 356
- One Song From Each Artist In Playlist v2.0
- [ For Music ] Make a new playlist of tracks from source playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: March 1, 2021 - total downloads 161
- View-Edit Playlist Description v1.0
- [ For Music ] View and or edit the selected playlist's description
- Short link:
- date posted: November 28, 2020 - total downloads 103
- New Playlist from Selection to Folder v2.0
- [ For Music ] Creates a new playlist in a chosen Playlist Folder from selected tracks
- Short link:
- date posted: November 9, 2020 - total downloads 203
- New Shuffled Playlist v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Copy the selected playlist with tracks in shuffled play order
- Short link:
- date posted: May 7, 2019 - total downloads 504