Sorted by date posted. Click on a script's name and go to its entry page which contains more information and download link.
- Play Previous Play Next Playlist v1.0
- [ For Music ] Select to play the next or previous playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: July 31, 2023 - total downloads 46
- A Space Between v3.3
- [ For Music ] Applet plays tracks with a user-set duration of silence between each track
- Short link:
- date posted: July 3, 2023 - total downloads 267
- Audition Segues v1.0
- [ For Music ] Play through just the transitions of tracks in a playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: June 30, 2023 - total downloads 30
- Skip Back or Ahead v4.2
- [ For Music/TV ] Advance or rewind the currently playing track an entered number of seconds
- Short link:
- date posted: January 10, 2023 - total downloads 380
- Big Buttons v1.0
- [ For Music ] Music app controller with flexible features
- Short link:
- date posted: October 9, 2021 - total downloads 78
- Play Random Album v4.1
- [ For Music ] Creates and plays playlist using tracks from album chosen at random
- Short link:
- date posted: November 28, 2020 - total downloads 391
- This Is The Last Song v3.0
- [ For Music ] Stop Music after current track is finished playing
- Short link:
- date posted: November 19, 2020 - total downloads 204
- Side Splitter v2.1
- [ For Music ] Split an album of tracks into playlists by LP side and auto-play them
- Short link:
- date posted: November 7, 2020 - total downloads 47
- A Space Between v2.1
- [ For iTunes ] Applet plays tracks with a user-set duration of silence between each track
- Short link:
- date posted: April 16, 2019 - total downloads 1475
- Audition End v2.3
- [ For iTunes ] Play each track in playlist starting at user-set seconds from end
- Short link:
- date posted: October 2, 2018 - total downloads 2172
- Side Splitter v1.1
- [ For iTunes ] Split an album of tracks into "side" playlists and auto-play them
- Short link:
- date posted: October 2, 2018 - total downloads 99
- Needle Drop v6.4
- [ For iTunes ] Play through each track in a playlist at your set interval
- Short link:
- date posted: September 21, 2018 - total downloads 67288
- Quick Convert v4.7
- [ For iTunes ] Convert or import tracks with any encoder on the fly
- Short link:
- date posted: September 19, 2018 - total downloads 37404
- Skip Back or Ahead v2.0
- [ For iTunes ] Advance or rewind the currently playing track an entered number of seconds
- Short link:
- date posted: April 27, 2018 - total downloads 1441
- This Is The Last Song v2.2
- [ For iTunes ] Stop iTunes after current track is finished playing
- Short link:
- date posted: January 16, 2018 - total downloads 6820
- Now Where Was I? v2.0
- [ For iTunes ] Remember current track when quitting iTunes, pick up playing on next start
- Short link:
- date posted: October 19, 2015 - total downloads 4616
- Stop Track! v2.1
- [ For iTunes ] Use special track to stop iTunes, cue next track
- Short link:
- date posted: May 19, 2014 - total downloads 3529
- Play Random Album v3.1
- [ For iTunes ] Creates and plays playlist using tracks from album chosen at random
- Short link:
- date posted: November 30, 2012 - total downloads 6935
- Play In Album Context v1.1
- [ For iTunes ] Play selected/playing track from new playlist containing all tracks in order from original track's album
- Short link:
- date posted: July 24, 2012 - total downloads 766
- Play Selected Track Next v2.0
- [ For iTunes ] Selected track plays after current track ends
- Short link:
- date posted: October 19, 2011 - total downloads 9992