Access iTunes On A Remote Machine

If you've got the name, password, and IP of a remote machine on your network, accessing its copy of iTunes and music files is pretty easy.

Step 1: Setting Up the Remote Machine

The remote machine must have "Remote Apple Events" checked in the Sharing Pane of its System Preferences. This permits remote machines to send it commands. It isn't neccessary for the local machine to be set this way (but it does seem only fair).

The iTunes application on the remote machine must already be activated in order for an AppleScript on the local machine to control it. I couldn't get it to activate via a remote script. Also, you can't have the remote machine going to sleep otherwise the connection will be cut off. Screen Effects are OK, however.

Start iTunes and then scurry back to the local machine and we can get started. (Make sure you turn the volume up on the remote machine. Once you get the upcoming script going you will know you're actually making the remote iTunes do something. If your spouse is using the remote machine, then you will know from their irritable calls of "Knock it off!" that you have succeeded. That's how it works at my house.)

Step 2: The AppleScript

This first basic script will contain everything you need to access control of the remote iTunes. First, you must know the remote machine's administrator's username and user password and the IP address or Rendezvous name (somename.local) of the remote machine. You can get the IP address from the Sharing pane of the remote machine's System Preferences. Select the File Sharing Service, put a check in its "On" checkbox, and it will display the IP address; it will look something like "". You don't have to leave File Sharing turned On once you get the IP address unless you want to.

Supply the appropriate info to the first line of the code below and you've got a remote iTunes player:

-- change this to your info:

set remMachine to "eppc://username:userpass@remote_ip"

using terms from application "iTunes"


tell application "iTunes" of machine remMachine


end tell

on error errM number errN

display dialog (errM & space & errN)

end try

end using terms from

Pretty basic. I put everything in a try-error block because you Just Never Know What Can Happen.

Here's one that displays a menu of remote playlists and lets you select and play one—this will definitely annoy the Spouse by stealth:

global allRemPlaylists, remMachine

-- change this to your info:

set remMachine to "eppc://username:userpass@remote_ip"

-- get list of remote iTunes playlists...

tell me to getRemPlaylists()

-- select one to play...

set thisPlaylist to (choose from list allRemPlaylists with prompt "Select a playlist...")

-- play it!

if thisPlaylist is not false then

set thisPlaylist to thisPlaylist as string

tell me to playRemPlaylist(thisPlaylist)

end if -- done


to getRemPlaylists()

using terms from application "iTunes"


tell application "iTunes" of machine remMachine

set allRemPlaylists to (get name of user playlists)

end tell

on error errM number errN

display dialog (errM & space & errN)

end try

end using terms from

end getRemPlaylists

to playRemPlaylist(thisPlaylist)

using terms from application "iTunes"


tell application "iTunes" of machine remMachine

play playlist thisPlaylist

end tell

on error errM number errN

display dialog (errM & space & errN)

end try

end using terms from

end playRemPlaylist

The script above uses subroutines so that the action happening with the remote iTunes is kept isolated from what's going on on the local machine. Particularly, the choose from list command in the run handler is performed on the local machine, the subroutines are performed on the remote machine.

Now of course, the biggie: can you access files on the remote machine? Sure.

The location property contains the filepath of a track. Apple has removed the location property from the shared track class. But you can still identify a remote track by matching the name, artist, album, and size of the shared track (properties available from the shared track on the local machine) with a track on the remote machine. Then get the remote track's location—it's a file track on the remote machine. Send that filepath back to the local machine and you're in business.

This script will add the currently playing shared track to your iTunes. It will also copy the file to your iTunes Music folder (again, you must fill in the required info):

global remMachine, theAFP, covetedTrack

-- change this to your info:

set remMachine to "eppc://username:userpass@remote_ip"

set theAFP to "afp://username:userpass@remote_ip"

set remStartDisk to my getRemStartDisk()

mount volume (theAFP & remStartDisk)

tell application "iTunes"

if player state is not stopped and class of current track is shared track then

tell current track to set {nom, alb, art, siz} to {name, album, artist, size}


with timeout of 300 seconds

tell me to getLocationOfSharedTrack(nom, alb, art, siz)

display dialog "Copy \"" & nom & "\" by " & art & " from " & alb & " to this computer?" default button 2

add alias covetedTrack

end timeout

end try

end if

end tell


to getRemStartDisk()

using terms from application "Finder"

tell application "Finder" of machine remMachine

return (get name of startup disk)

end tell

end using terms from

end getRemStartDisk

to getLocationOfSharedTrack(nom, alb, art, siz)

using terms from application "iTunes"


tell application "iTunes" of machine remMachine

if exists (some file track of library playlist 1 whose name is nom and album is alb and artist is art and size is siz) then

set covetedTrack to (get location of (some file track of library playlist 1 whose name is nom and album is alb and artist is art and size is siz)) as string

end if

end tell

on error errM number errN

display dialog (errM & space & errN)

end try

end using terms from

end getLocationOfSharedTrack

This should run as a compiled script. And a couple of caveats. First, this script makes the assumption that the remote iTunes keeps its Music folder on its startup disk. In order to copy files from the remote computer, the volume those files are on has to be mounted on the local machine. You may have to hardcode the location and mount the correct volume. Also this script has hardly any error checking. Some tweaking may be in order.

It is a simple next step to move the selected shared tracks from the remote machine to the local machine. You can use the two subroutines from the script above and we'll add a new run handler that works with the selected tracks. Select some shared tracks listed on the local machine's iTunes and run this script:

global remMachine, covetedTrack

-- change this to your info:

set remMachine to "eppc://username:userpass@remote_ip"

set theAFP to "afp://username:userpass@remote_ip"

set remStartDisk to my getRemStartDisk()

mount volume (theAFP & remStartDisk)

tell application "iTunes"

if selection is not {} then

set sel to a reference to selection

repeat with s from 1 to count sel

set theST to item s of sel

if (get class of theST) is shared track then


with timeout of 300 seconds

tell theST to set {nom, alb, art, siz} to {name, album, artist, size}

tell me to getLocationOfSharedTrack(nom, alb, art, siz)

add alias covetedTrack

end timeout

end try

end if

end repeat

end if

end tell


to getRemStartDisk()

using terms from application "Finder"

tell application "Finder" of machine remMachine

return (get name of startup disk)

end tell

end using terms from

end getRemStartDisk

to getLocationOfSharedTrack(nom, alb, art, siz)

using terms from application "iTunes"


tell application "iTunes" of machine remMachine

if exists (some file track of library playlist 1 whose name is nom and album is alb and artist is art and size is siz) then

set covetedTrack to (get location of (some file track of library playlist 1 whose name is nom and album is alb and artist is art and size is siz)) as string

end if

end tell

on error errM number errN

display dialog (errM & space & errN)

end try

end using terms from

end getLocationOfSharedTrack

But wait, there's more.

If you know that iTunes is running on a remote machine, you can see what track is playing (it might even be one of yours being shared from the local machine):

global remMachine, myTrack, myPlaylist

-- change this to your info:

set remMachine to "eppc://username:userpass@remote_ip"

set myTrack to {}

set myPlaylist to ""

tell me to see_shared_info()

if myTrack is not {} then

set {nom, art, alb, siz} to myTrack

if myPlaylist is not "" then set myPlaylist to ("in playlist \"" & myPlaylist & "\"")


with timeout of 30 seconds

display dialog ("\"" & remMachine & "\" is listening to" & return & return & nom & return & "by " & art & return & "from " & alb & return & myPlaylist) buttons {"Thanks"} default button 1 giving up after 30

end timeout

end try

end if

to see_shared_info()

using terms from application "iTunes"


tell application "iTunes" of machine remMachine

if player state is not stopped then

set myPlaylist to (get name of current playlist)

tell current track

set myTrack to {name, artist, album, size}

end tell

end if

end tell

on error errM number errN

display dialog (errM & space & errN)

end try

end using terms from

end see_shared_info

I left the size/siz variable available so that a future version of this script could determine if/which track on the local machine (ie, my machine) is being played on the other machine (see the next example). WIth that info I can determine its location (filepath) and/or database id. For example, a Stay-Open app version of the script above could monitor a specific remote machine's iTunes and update the play count locally.

An iPodlounge correspondent asked how to raise/lower the rating of a shared track (he's listening on his laptop as the local machine, a desktop is the remote machine):

global remMachine

-- change this to your info:

set remMachine to "eppc://username:userpass@remote_ip"

tell application "iTunes"

if player state is not stopped and class of current track is shared track then

tell current track to set {nom, alb, art, siz} to {name, album, artist, size}

set rate to button returned of (display dialog "Add or Subtract a Rating star to \"" & nom & "\"" buttons {"Cancel", "Subtract", "Add"})


with timeout of 300 seconds

tell me to getSharedTrack(nom, alb, art, siz, rate)

end timeout

end try

end if

end tell


to getSharedTrack(nom, alb, art, siz, rate)

using terms from application "iTunes"


tell application "iTunes" of machine remMachine

if exists (some file track of library playlist 1 whose name is nom and album is alb and artist is art and size is siz) then

set theTrack to (some file track of library playlist 1 whose name is nom and album is alb and artist is art and size is siz)

tell theTrack

if rate is "Subtract" then

if rating is not 0 then set rating to (get rating - 20)

else if rating is not 100 then

set rating to (get rating + 20)

end if

end tell

end if

end tell

on error errM number errN

display dialog (errM & space & errN)

end try

end using terms from

end getSharedTrack

Notice that this script identifies the current shared track—theTrack in the subroutine—so that you can perform commands on it.

For more, visit the Network category of scripts, and remember: Don't Steal Music. The presumption here is that you can only access a remote machine if you have access to the administrative priviledges; Q.E.D., you are the administrator and the files are yours. These scripts are provided for private use and the edification of AppleScript users and are not intended as a means of illegal file sharing or circumventing copyright laws.

ADDENDA - A couple of correspondents have pointed out that the lines which check for the existence of a remote track before actually performing tasks with the remote track are superfluous. True enough; if the track exists in the shared playlist then it must already exist, right? One correspondent chopped the processing time in half by removing those lines and moving right to the task required.

November 16, 2003
updated November 19, 2003
updated November 21, 2003
updated December 17, 2003

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.