Managing Tracks 1 2 3
Scripts that perform sorting, ordering, counting and similar tasks with track entries.
Sorted by date posted. Click on a script's name and go to its entry page which contains more information and download link.
- Report Real Play Time v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Calculate total playing time considering tracks' start, finish, and crossfade times
- Short link:
- date posted: June 10, 2010 - total downloads 1335
- Artist - Album - Disc from Selected Track v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Create new playlist of track number-ordered tracks based on artist, album, and disc tags of single selected track
- Short link:
- date posted: May 7, 2007 - total downloads 5051
- Disable Dated Tracks v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Uncheck tracks of selected playlists whose last played date is before a user-entered date
- Short link:
- date posted: May 18, 2006 - total downloads 2136
- Transfer Bookmark and Play v2.0
- [ For iTunes ] Transfer bookmark point between selected iPod track and corresponding library track, or visa versa
- Short link:
- date posted: March 11, 2006 - total downloads 1728
- Delete Tracks Never Played v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Delete and trash tracks from iTunes whose play counts are 0
- Short link:
- date posted: December 17, 2004 - total downloads 3209
- Downstream v1.2
- [ For iTunes ] Remove streams from main library to selected playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: December 27, 2003 - total downloads 5922
- Wrangle Same-Named Tracks v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Assist with discovering and eliminating same-named tracks
- Short link:
- date posted: December 23, 2003 - total downloads 9385
- Delete 'Continuous' Tracks v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Remove audio stream tracks
- Short link:
- date posted: June 21, 2002 - total downloads 2696
- Ripped? v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Determine if CD tracks have already been imported
- Short link:
- date posted: April 3, 2002 - total downloads 3571
- Track Inserter v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] MD users: insert a track between playlist tracks
- Short link:
- date posted: March 16, 2002 - total downloads 2000
- Remove Duplicated Tracks From Playlist v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Removes copied tracks from the selected playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: December 3, 2001 - total downloads 17597