iTunes 7.0.2
iTunes 7.0.2 was released on October 31, 2006. Apple says it "adds support for the Second Generation iPod shuffle and addresses a variety of stability and performance issues found in iTunes 7 and 7.0.1."
Bug Fixes
iTunes 7.0.2 has fixed two of the AppleScript bugs that were introduced in iTunes 7.
The so-called convert bug prevented individual CD tracks from being imported/converted with the convert command. Instead, for each CD track selected the entire CD would be imported. This is fixed. This bug affected a number of AppleScripts, including:
- Copy From Start to Stop
- Import and Eject
- Quick Convert
- Re-Rip Non-iTunes MP3s As AAC
- Rip A Few My Way
- Rip CDs In A Row
- Rip This Where I Want It
- Rip To iPod
- Multi-Import
- Lossless to AAC Workflow
- Import on CD Insert
These scripts should all work as expected now.
A second, perhaps more obscure bug was related to the add command. If you had attempted to add a file to a "Master Library" playlist, like "Music" or "TV Shows", a file permission error would be generated. The problem is/was that "Master Libraries" are actually Smart Playlists whose criteria is "hard-coded". Now, however, you can add a file to one of these playlists without the error. Essentially, iTunes now just ignores the "Master Playlist" direct object and will place the track in the correct "Master Library". For example, you can add a file to the "Music" Library, but if the file is a movie file, iTunes will place it in the "Movies" Library where it belongs. Note, therefore, that you cannot presume that the file you are adding is going where you have tried to add it. But it will always be in library playlist 1.
set newfile to choose file tell application "iTunes" set pl to playlist "Movies" -- attempt to add an audio file to "Movies" set addedtrack to add (newfile as alias) to pl log (get container of addedtrack) (*library playlist id 8397*) log (get database ID of addedtrack) (*44457*) end tell
More as it develops...
See also A Look At iTunes 7.0 and A Look At iTunes 7.0.1