Retro Scripts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Old and In The Way scripts, either out of date or obsolete. Of interest to scripters or developers, an archive-of-record.
Sorted by date posted. Click on a script's name and go to its entry page which contains more information and download link.
- Show Current Track's Playlists v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Choose box lists all playlists containing current track
- Short link:
- date posted: April 10, 2004 - total downloads 1540
- iTunes Overlay v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Persistent text window displays info about current track over the desktop
- Short link:
- date posted: March 30, 2004 - total downloads 3925
- Four iPod Scripts X v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Five useful scripts for iPod in OS X
- Short link:
- date posted: March 22, 2004 - total downloads 3446
- addToLib v1.1
- [ For iTunes ] Add files to iTunes from any folder
- Short link:
- date posted: March 12, 2004 - total downloads 5104
- iRate v1.5
- [ For iTunes ] Compute a point value based on track's rating, play count, and longevity.
- Short link:
- date posted: March 12, 2004 - total downloads 4367
- iTunes to AppleWorks DB v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Create AppleWorks Database of iTunes tracks
- Short link:
- date posted: February 25, 2004 - total downloads 3886
- iTunes Database FMP v1.8.5
- [ For iTunes ] Export iTunes track data to a FileMaker Pro database
- Short link:
- date posted: January 27, 2004 - total downloads 7398
- Juke-box v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Remove tracks from a playlist after playing
- Short link:
- date posted: January 27, 2004 - total downloads 2851
- Get Amazon Pix v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Download Amazon artwork
- Short link:
- date posted: January 27, 2004 - total downloads 7167
- Locate Copies of Current Track v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] List playlists that contain the currently playing track
- Short link:
- date posted: December 27, 2003 - total downloads 1412
- iTunes Music Store Player v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Play all iTMS tracks automatically
- Short link:
- date posted: December 11, 2003 - total downloads 5289
- iTunes Store Search Scripts v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Four scripts assist with searching the iTunes Music Store
- Short link:
- date posted: December 8, 2003 - total downloads 1281
- Play Next Album v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Skip to first track of the next album
- Short link:
- date posted: December 7, 2003 - total downloads 1269
- Restore Library 2-Step v2.0.3
- [ For iTunes ] Two scripts work together to assist in re-building playlists
- Short link:
- date posted: December 6, 2003 - total downloads 2092
- Re-Rip Non-iTunes MP3s As AAC v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Re-rip non-iTunes MP3 tracks as AAC when matched against original CD
- Short link:
- date posted: December 5, 2003 - total downloads 1795
- iScroll v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Scrolls info about currently playing track in iChat AV
- Short link:
- date posted: December 3, 2003 - total downloads 2175
- Now Playing in iChat AV v1.8.1
- [ For iTunes ] Display currently playing track/stream info in iChat AV status message
- Short link:
- date posted: November 20, 2003 - total downloads 9006
- Gimme An iTMS Search String v1.1
- [ For iTunes ] Generate an iTMS search URL, send to clipboard or iTMS
- Short link:
- date posted: October 27, 2003 - total downloads 670
- Legitimize Song v1.1
- [ For iTunes ] Copy info from MP3 to corresponding ITMS AAC track
- Short link:
- date posted: October 27, 2003 - total downloads 1507
- See Lyrics v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] iLyric add-on displays lyrics in Safari
- Short link:
- date posted: August 23, 2003 - total downloads 3981