Retro Scripts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Old and In The Way scripts, either out of date or obsolete. Of interest to scripters or developers, an archive-of-record.
Sorted by date posted. Click on a script's name and go to its entry page which contains more information and download link.
- Display Sundry File Info v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Display various info about the file of a selected track
- Short link:
- date posted: August 7, 2003 - total downloads 1367
- Artist and Track to Filename v2.7
- [ For iTunes ] Rename files with track name and artist tag info
- Short link:
- date posted: May 28, 2003 - total downloads 9367
- Import Selected iPod Tracks v1.3
- [ For iTunes ] Import selected AAC or MP3 files from iPod
- Short link:
- date posted: May 9, 2003 - total downloads 19092
- File Manager v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Synchronize iTunes Library to a local folder
- Short link:
- date posted: May 3, 2003 - total downloads 11767
- Selected Artwork to All In Playlist v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Copy artwork from one track to all in playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: May 1, 2003 - total downloads 1667
- iPod Contents to Playlist v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Adds the iPod's contents to the Library
- Short link:
- date posted: April 30, 2003 - total downloads 7062
- Show Song Name with SEC
- [ For iTunes ] Display track title screen-wide using Salling Clicker - no phone req'd
- Short link:
- date posted: April 10, 2003 - total downloads 649
- Make BackUp MP3 CD v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Sort tracks into MP3 CD-sized playlists by album
- Short link:
- date posted: March 12, 2003 - total downloads 2912
- AgentMusic for iTunes v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Next-generation Smart Playlists
- Short link:
- date posted: February 24, 2003 - total downloads 2375
- Increase Play Count v1.2
- [ For iTunes ] Artificially increase a track's play count
- Short link:
- date posted: February 24, 2003 - total downloads 1263
- Track The Ripper
- [ For iTunes ] Batch convert AIFFs to MP3
- Short link:
- date posted: February 19, 2003 - total downloads 1736
- Sam's Speak Scripts v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Speak commands to iTunes
- Short link:
- date posted: January 14, 2003 - total downloads 4571
- Unmount-Mount iPod v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Unmount/remount iPod without disconnect
- Short link:
- date posted: January 8, 2003 - total downloads 7372
- iTunes2Mail v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Updates a signature with info on currently playing track
- Short link:
- date posted: December 6, 2002 - total downloads 1173
- Track Info Assist v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Unconsolidate Various Artist info
- Short link:
- date posted: August 11, 2002 - total downloads 5393
- Import Playlist v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Assist in re-creating Playlists using Export Song List
- Short link:
- date posted: July 27, 2002 - total downloads 1900
- Time of Selected Tracks
- [ For iTunes ] Display total time of selected tracks
- Short link:
- date posted: July 17, 2002 - total downloads 4249
- Replace album playlists v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Create new Playlists from tracks in the Library based on their Album name
- Short link:
- date posted: July 10, 2002 - total downloads 2699
- Downcoder v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Re-encode MP3s to a new bit rate
- Short link:
- date posted: June 11, 2002 - total downloads 3187
- Random Library v1.0
- [ For iTunes ] Shuffle Library tracks to new playlist
- Short link:
- date posted: June 9, 2002 - total downloads 1344