- Listing e
Copy the files of the selected shared tracks as displayed in the local user's iTunes from the particular remote user's iTunes Music folder to the local user's iTunes Music folder and then add them to the local iTunes
Note: passwordless ssh login, as described here, must be set up among each user in order for this script to work.
Any of the extant comments or logged items are for debugging and so on. They can be removed.
property defaultsDomain : "com.dougscripts.copyshared" global remUserName, remHostIPAddr, remAddr global locMusicLibrary, remMusicLibrary global sel, sharedLibName -- == selection of tracks? tell application "iTunes" set sel to selection if sel is {} then display dialog "No tracks selected." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 with icon 0 return else set t1 to item 1 of sel if (get class of t1 is shared track) then set sharedLibName to (get name of container of container of t1) else display dialog "No shared tracks selected." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 with icon 0 return end if end if end tell -- == get/create ssh login info specific to selected shared library my get_login_info() -- == get mx folder loc's via handlers set locMusicLibrary to my get_local_music_folder() set remMusicLibrary to my get_remote_music_folder() tell application "iTunes" repeat with t in sel try my copy_this_file_by_pid(get t's persistent ID) end try end repeat end tell -- == end of run == == == -- == handlers = == == == to get_login_info() try set {remUserName, remHostIPAddr} to my read_defaults(sharedLibName) on error m number n if n is in {1, -1728} then -- get username for sharedLibName set remUserName to text returned of (display dialog ¬ "Enter the username associated with the shared library \"" & ¬ sharedLibName & "\":" default answer "") -- get ip address for sharedLibName set remHostIPAddr to text returned of (display dialog ¬ "Enter the IP address associated with the shared library \"" & ¬ sharedLibName & "\":" default answer "") my write_defaults(sharedLibName, {remUserName, remHostIPAddr}) else -- some other error; abort log m log n error number -128 -- cancel end if end try set remAddr to (remUserName & "@" & remHostIPAddr) as text end get_login_info on write_defaults(k, l) do shell script "defaults write " & defaultsDomain & space & ¬ quoted form of k & " -array " & (("'") & my list_to_text(l, "' '") & ("'")) end write_defaults on read_defaults(k) return paragraphs of (do shell script (("defaults read " & defaultsDomain & space & ¬ quoted form of k) & space & "| grep ' '|sed -e 's/ //g' -e's/\"//g' -e's/\\,//g'")) end read_defaults to copy_this_file_by_pid(pid) set osaCom to quoted form of ¬ ("osascript -e 'tell application\"iTunes\" to return POSIX path of (get location of some track of library playlist 1 whose persistent id is\"" & pid & "\")'") set posixLoc to do shell script ("ssh " & remAddr & space & osaCom) set fileFolderHeirarchy to text ((offset of remMusicLibrary in posixLoc) + (length of remMusicLibrary)) thru -1 of posixLoc set locLoc to (locMusicLibrary & fileFolderHeirarchy) as text set locContainer to (my list_to_text(items 1 thru -2 of my text_to_list(locLoc, "/"), "/") & "/") as text if not my loc_file_exist(locLoc) then set mkdirCom to ("mkdir -p " & my escape_special_chars(locContainer)) as text try set x to do shell script mkdirCom log x -- this result not needed; observation/debugging only on error m log ("mkdir err: " & m) end try set scpCom to ("scp -EC" & space & remAddr & ":" & ¬ quoted form of my escape_special_chars(posixLoc) & space & ¬ quoted form of locContainer) as text set rez to do shell script scpCom log rez -- this result not needed; observation/debugging only try set aliasToAdd to (POSIX file (locLoc)) as text with timeout of (1 * days) seconds tell application "iTunes" -- add the file set newTrack to add alias aliasToAdd end tell end timeout on error m number n log m log n end try else log "EXISTS - SKIP" end if end copy_this_file_by_pid on loc_file_exist(locLoc) try set x to do shell script "test -e \"" & locLoc & "\"" return (x is "") on error return false end try end loc_file_exist to escape_special_chars(n) set escThese to " &()'" repeat with chr in escThese set n to my replace_chars(n, chr, ("\\" & chr) as text) end repeat return n end escape_special_chars to get_local_music_folder() set o to (do shell script "defaults read com.apple.iApps iTunesRecentDatabasePaths") as text set xm to text ((offset of "\"" in o) + 1) through ((offset of ".xml" in o) + 3) of o set xml to (my replace_chars(xm, " ", "\\ ")) as text -- based on unix script by Dave Taylor return (do shell script "head -n 14 " & xml & ¬ "| grep '>Music Folder<' | cut -d/ -f4- | sed 's/localhost//g' | \\cut -d\\< -f1 | sed 's/%20/ /g'") end get_local_music_folder to get_remote_music_folder() set dCom to quoted form of ("defaults read com.apple.iApps iTunesRecentDatabasePaths") set o to (do shell script ("ssh " & remAddr & space & dCom)) set xm to text ((offset of "\"" in o) + 1) through ((offset of ".xml" in o) + 3) of o set xml to (my replace_chars(xm, " ", "\\ ")) as text -- again, based on unix script by Dave Taylor set hCom to quoted form of ("head -n 14 " & xml & ¬ "| grep '>Music Folder<' | cut -d/ -f4- | sed 's/localhost//g' | \\cut -d\\< -f1 | sed 's/%20/ /g'") return (do shell script ("ssh " & remAddr & space & hCom)) end get_remote_music_folder on replace_chars(txt, srch, repl) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the srch set the item_list to every text item of txt set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the repl set txt to the item_list as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" return txt end replace_chars on text_to_list(txt, delim) set saveD to AppleScript's text item delimiters try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim} set theList to every text item of txt on error errStr number errNum set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD error errStr number errNum end try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD return (theList) end text_to_list on list_to_text(theList, delim) set saveD to AppleScript's text item delimiters try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim} set txt to theList as text on error errStr number errNum set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD error errStr number errNum end try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD return (txt) end list_to_text![]()