- rsync for real
rsync the two iTunes Music folders for real and add the newly copied files to the destination's iTunes
We'll run the same rsync command now, except we will remove the dry-run "n" flag from the options. rsync will copy the files and folders to the destination's iTunes Music folder using the Artist/Album/File structure from the source iTunes Music folder:1
-- == rsync for real set theCommand to ("rsync -Evauz --stats --ignore-existing --exclude '.DS_Store'" & space & ¬ locMusicLibraryQuoted & space & ¬ remAddr & ":" & remMusicLibraryEscapedQuoted) set rez to (do shell script theCommand) log rez![]()
We don't need the result from this, but I always like to log the result anyway in case there is an error to investigate.
The final routine is where the files just copied to the destination will be added to iTunes. For this we will ssh to "cleanuser" and use osascript to run an AppleScript. (Yes, an AppleScript running a do shell script that runs an AppleScript. While under some circumstances it might be just as well to use remote scripting, which would require the user's password, it will be easier and more secure to use ssh via the public key.)
repeat with fileToAdd in filesToAdd try with timeout of (3 * days) seconds set osaCom to quoted form of ¬ ("osascript -e 'tell application\"iTunes\" to add POSIX file \"" & fileToAdd & "\"'") do shell script ("ssh " & remAddr & space & osaCom) end timeout on error m number n log m log n end try end repeat![]()
Using a repeat loop, each file path in the filesToAdd list (that we got from the first rsync dry-run) is used in the construction of an osascript command that adds that file to the remote iTunes. This command is ssh'd to the remote addresss ("cleanuser@") via a do shell script. The with timeout value of three days is a bit overboard just to make sure there is plenty of time to operate.
Note that if the remote user's iTunes is set to "Copy files to iTunes Music folder..." then iTunes won't seemingly copy any files. The second rsync will have already ostensibly copied each file to its "proper iTunes" location, or, at least, to the same heirarchical scheme as on the source machine, which is presumably acceptable. However, if "Keep iTunes Music folder organized" is also checked in preferences, iTunes may be obliged to change the file name by appending the track number or using its tags to rename the filename and/or its containing Artist and Album folders. If the "Copy files..." preference is not set then, again, the file location is just as appropriate.
That's pretty much it. The next page has a listing of the entire script thus far.
Get More Information:
See the man pages for:
Apple's Technical Note TN2065 should be read by anyone who uses do shell script, with especial regard to string quoting and escaping.
1One supposes that this rsync routine could be skipped, and that the subsequent osascript routine could copy the files from the local to the remote machine by virtue of adding them directly to the remote iTunes---provided its "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" preference is checked--but using the rsync method 1) eliminates having to format/escape file paths correctly and 2) is ultimately faster.