- Listing a
This script will compare and automatically copy any files in the local user's iTunes Music folder which are not in a remote user's iTunes Music folder and then add those copied files to the remote user's iTunes
Note: passwordless ssh login, as described here, must be set up among each user in order for this script to work.
Any of the extant comments or logged items are for debugging and so on. They can be removed.
-- == allocate globals global remUserName, remHostIPAddr, remAddr -- == init variables set remUserName to "cleanuser" -- use your remote username set remHostIPAddr to "" -- use your remote IP address set remAddr to (remUserName & "@" & remHostIPAddr) as text -- use your own remote and local paths to the iTunes Music folders set locMusicLibrary to "/Users/dougadams/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/" set remMusicLibrary to "/Users/cleanuser/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/" set locMusicLibraryQuoted to quoted form of locMusicLibrary set remMusicLibraryEscaped to my replace_chars(remMusicLibrary, " ", "\\ ") set remMusicLibraryEscapedQuoted to quoted form of remMusicLibraryEscaped -- == rsync dry run set theCommand to ("rsync -nEvauz --ignore-existing --exclude '.DS_Store'" & space & ¬ locMusicLibraryQuoted & space & ¬ remAddr & ":" & remMusicLibraryEscapedQuoted) set rezList to my text_to_list(do shell script theCommand, ASCII character 13) log rezList -- == get file paths set perlCom to "perl -e' @rez=(" & (("\"") & my list_to_text(rezList, "\",\"") & ("\"")) & "); $base=\"" & remMusicLibraryEscaped & "\"; while(1){ $res=shift(@rez); last unless ($res!~m/.../); } while(1){ $res=pop(@rez); if ($res eq \"\"){last} } foreach $z(@rez) { push (@final,$base.$z.\"\\n\") unless ($z=~m/.\\/$/); } print sort @final; '" set perlRez to do shell script perlCom if perlRez is "" then return set filesToAdd to my text_to_list(perlRez, ASCII character 13) log filesToAdd -- == rsync for real set theCommand to ("rsync -Evauz --stats --ignore-existing --exclude '.DS_Store'" & space & ¬ locMusicLibraryQuoted & space & ¬ remAddr & ":" & remMusicLibraryEscapedQuoted) set rez to (do shell script theCommand) log rez -- == add files to iTunes repeat with fileToAdd in filesToAdd try with timeout of (3 * days) seconds set osaCom to quoted form of ¬ ("osascript -e 'tell application\"iTunes\" to add POSIX file \"" & fileToAdd & "\"'") do shell script ("ssh " & remAddr & space & osaCom) end timeout on error m number n log m log n end try end repeat -- == end of run == -- == handlers == == == == == == == on replace_chars(txt, srch, repl) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the srch set the item_list to every text item of txt set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the repl set txt to the item_list as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" return txt end replace_chars on text_to_list(txt, delim) set saveD to AppleScript's text item delimiters try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim} set theList to every text item of txt on error errStr number errNum set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD error errStr number errNum end try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD return (theList) end text_to_list on list_to_text(theList, delim) set saveD to AppleScript's text item delimiters try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim} set txt to theList as text on error errStr number errNum set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD error errStr number errNum end try set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD return (txt) end list_to_text![]()