Objects, Elements & Properties
Every thing in iTunes is an AppleScript object: playlist, track, source, etcetera. Every object can be defined by its relationship to its container: a track is in a playlist which is in a source which is in the application iTunes. This relationship is called a hierarchy because it defines relationships based on rank.
The top object--or root object, depending on your perspective--is the application—iTunes itself. It's a good idea when starting out to keep the iTunes scripting definition (sdef) handy. Click AppleScript Editor's Window > Library menu and click on "iTunes" in the list; even easier: drop iTunes' icon on AppleScript Editor's icon and the sdef will open up. The sdef displays a list of object classes and events that are 'scriptable in iTunes.
The application object has several elements and properties. The elements are other objects contained by application. Each element may also be a container for still other objects and properties. The properties can contain values that affect the object. You can get or set the value of a property, usually with a number, string, or boolean true or false.
In AppleScript, you access the property of an object, like the name of a particular track in a particular playlist, like this:
Or like this:
It will depend on the script you are writing, what properties you want to access, and at what level of the hierarchy they are located. (See the section on playlists for more in-depth playlist scripting information.)
Below are some of the more commonly used object, elements, and properties and example syntax. I've left out the stuff that seems pretty obvious.
Application objects and properties
player state
This application property will tell you what iTunes is doing and will return one of these values: stopped, playing, paused, fast forwarding, or rewinding.
current track and current playlist
If iTunes is playing or paused, these objects exist.
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is playing then
set myTrack to current track
end if
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is playing or player state is paused then
set myPlaylist to current playlist
set view of front window to myPlaylist
end if
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is not stopped then
set myAlbum to (get album of current track)
end if
end tell

The selection object is an element of application as well as browser window and playlist window. It returns a list of references to the tracks selected.
The above returns a list of references like this:
{file track id 4542 of user playlist id 4539 of source id 33, file track id 4543 of user playlist id 4539 of source id 33, file track id 4544 of user playlist id 4539 of source id 33, file track id 4545 of user playlist id 4539 of source id 33}
But you'd never use a reference to a track like this. You would assign it to a variable. You can operate on each track in the list of items in selection by iterating through the list using a repeat block. Below, each track is assigned to the variable aTrack on each iteration:
player position
If iTunes is playing or paused, the player position is the current point in the current track in seconds:
fixed indexing
By setting fixed indexing to true before working with any tracks the sort order of the tracks will not be change during any AppleScript tasks you perform, which otherwise could really mess things up. Set it before any work on a lot of tracks:
tell application "iTunes"
set oldfi to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
repeat with i from 1 to count tracks of current playlist
set aTrack to track i of current playlist
tell aTrack to set track number to i
end repeat
set fixed indexing to oldfi
end tell

An excellent example of a problem without fixed indexing: if your script deletes tracks, the indexing of the tracks may change with each deletion. By setting fixed indexing, the indexing stays, well, fixed until the AppleScript is finished. Good to re-set fixed indexing afterwards, too.
Window properties
The browser window (main iTunes window) and playlist window objects inherit properties of the window object. The window object uses all the "usual" window properties (bounds, closeable, collapseable, position, etc). Additionally, browser window and playlist window share a selection property (discussed above) and a view property. The view of the browser window is a reference to the playlist selected in the Source pane. The view of the playlist window is the reference to the playlist in that window.
I generally use view like this:
tell application "iTunes"
set thePlaylist to view of front window
-- for example:
log (get name of thePlaylist)
repeat with i from 1 to (count tracks of thePlaylist)
log (get name of track i of thePlaylist)
end repeat
end tell

Since the "front window" is almost always a playlist or browser window, it works out. Strictly scripting, however, I should probably use "view of front browser window".
The browser window also has the minimized property, which you can get or set with a boolean true or false. This enables you to shrink the iTunes window down to the small player window:
Playlist properties
For the most part, most of the playlist classes share the same properties listed in the dictionary under playlist. Obviously, there are differences: an audio CD playlist can't contain an URL track (hmm, maybe that isn't obvious) and a library playlist doesn't contain a composer property like the audio CD playlist does.
Returns the total length in seconds of all songs in the playlist:
tell application "iTunes"
set total to duration of playlist "Mom's Favorites"
if total is less than (2 * hours) then
display dialog "Still need more songs!"
end if
end tell

The shuffle property accepts a boolean true or false. This is actually a pretty cool property. By switching it on and off you get the same affect as option-clicking the shuffle button a bunch of times. So setting it to just on or off once is only one dynamic. I use it like this to get a great shuffle (although there is argument about this at virtually every iTunes board I'm aware of):
tell application "iTunes"
tell myPlaylist -- whatever it is
repeat 5 times
set shuffle to false
set shuffle to true
end repeat
end tell
end tell

Read more on playlists and tracks.
Encoder stuff
current encoder
The current encoder is an application property that returns a reference to the encoder you have currently selected in iTunes Importing Preferences. Once you have that, you can get its name and format. You can also set a new current encoder.
Here's how to have the user select a new encoder:
tell application "iTunes"
set myOptions to (get name of every encoder)
repeat with j from 1 to (count of myOptions)
if name of current encoder is item j of myOptions then
copy name of current encoder to encoder_backup
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set myNewEncoder to (choose from list myOptions with prompt "Choose new encoder" default items ((get name of current encoder) as list) without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed) as string
if myNewEncoder is "false" then error number -128
set current encoder to encoder myNewEncoder
-- do stuff
-- re-instate original encoder
set current encoder to encoder encoder_backup
end tell

The script Quick Convert uses a routine like this.
If you need to select an encoder without human help, for example, the AAC encoder:
tell application "iTunes"
set preferred_encoder to current encoder
set available_encoders to (name of encoders)
repeat with anEnc in available_encoders
if format of encoder anEnc is "AAC" then
set current encoder to encoder anEnc
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- do stuff
-- re-instate original encoder
set current encoder to preferred_encoder
end tell