March 3 2021 - 3:35 pm

UPDATED: Save Album Art to Album Folder v6.9

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script will export the artwork of the selected tracks (or the tracks in a selected playlist) as an image file to the folder which contains each selected track's file--presumably each track's Album folder--or a single user-selected folder. If multiple album tracks are selected, the script will make sure only one artwork file per Album is exported.

More information for Save Album Art to Album Folder v6.9 and download link is here.

Also see Save Album Art as folder.jpg.

March 2 2021 - 11:40 am

UPDATED: Artist to Last-First v5.4

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This applet will parse the text of the chosen tag (Artist, Album Artist, Composer or one of their Sort siblings) of a selection of tracks:

Move the LAST word of the tag to the beginning, eg:

  • Hound Dog Taylor -> Taylor, Hound Dog
  • OR Move the FIRST word of the tag to the end, eg:

  • The Crystal Method -> Crystal Method, The
  • Then, the newly configured text can be copied back to your choice of Artist, Album Artist, Composer, Sort Artist, Sort Album Artist and/or Sort Composer tag(s).

    Latest version:

    • Fixes a bug selecting Sort Composer as source text
    • Fixed Preview inaction when Move option was toggled

    More information for Artist to Last-First v5.4 and download link is here.

    March 1 2021 - 5:41 pm

    NEW: Total Plays v3.0

    For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script tallies and displays the Plays of each track in a selection of tracks or all tracks in the selected playlist.

    Latest version:

    • Initial release for the Music app

    More information for Total Plays v3.0 and download link is here.

    March 1 2021 - 4:12 pm

    NEW: One Song From Each Artist In Playlist v2.0

    Every so often I'll have a look at old old old scripts and try to evaluate if it'd be worth updating any for modern use. For years I've looked at this one and never thought it worthy. Then recently, over the span of a couple of months, I get a handful of requests asking for it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    This script (for macOS 10.15 and later only) will create a new playlist containing one track from each Artist in the selected playlist. Handy for creating an abridged sampler or radio-like playlist and so on.

    Latest version:

    • Initial release for the Music app

    More information for One Song From Each Artist In Playlist v2.0 and download link is here.

    February 26 2021 - 11:41 am

    UPDATED: Remove Leading-Trailing Spaces v2.4

    For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script will remove any number of extra space characters at the beginning and ending of chosen tags (Title, Artist/Director, Album Artist, Album, Composer, Genre, Grouping, Movement, Work and Show) in the selected tracks.

    Latest version:

    • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

    More information for Remove Leading-Trailing Spaces v2.4 and download link is here.

    February 24 2021 - 6:32 pm

    UPDATED: Assimilate View Options v5.3

    For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script re-creates each selected playlist so its Songs View column settings (visible columns) are the same as the main "Songs" library.

    Works with user-created regular playlists only. Please read the accompanying Read Me .rtfd doc.

    Latest version:

    • Corrects an issue with Notifications

    More information for Assimilate View Options v5.3 and download link is here.

    February 23 2021 - 4:33 pm

    View as Songs with Column Browser

    One of the things that disappoints me about the Music app (and iTunes before) is that there is no way to set a default playlist View. Whenever a new playlist is created it will default to View as Playlist. I suppose this is fine and I don't dislike View as Playlist; it has its useful moments when a minimal look is desirable. But I prefer View as Songs because I do most of my tag editing and track sorting in that View under which much more information can be made visible.

    * * *

    For several years I've been pointing out the Keyboard Shortcut trick of assigning Shift-Command-S to View > as Songs and Shift-Command-P to View > as Playlist in order to quickly toggle the playlist View on the fly.

    * * *

    So I find myself typing Shift-Command-S followed by Command-B to turn on the Column Browser. A lot. Wonder if there's anything I can do about that...


    February 23 2021 - 2:22 pm

    UPDATED: Album Rating Reset v4.4

    For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script will allow you to batch set or clear the Album Rating and/or Album Love/Dislike for the albums of the selected tracks or the albums associated with the tracks in a selected playlist (note that only a single track from any album need be selected in order to change the album rating or loved of the entire album). Handy for clearing batches of albums of their user-set album ratings, or re-rating batches of albums.

    Latest version:

    • Additional minor accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

    More information for Album Rating Reset v4.4 and download link is here.

    February 22 2021 - 4:16 pm

    UPDATED: New Last Played Date v5.3

    For macOS 10.15 and later. Set Last Played/Last Skipped date of selected tracks to a new date, with option to increase or decrease Plays/Skips, or set to no date and no Plays/Skips.

    Also see Add or Subtract Play Count.

    Works best when Sync/Cloud Library is disengaged due to a potential bug.

    Latest version:

    • Fixes bug with date stepper not decreasing under some circumstances
    • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

    More information for New Last Played Date v5.3 and download link is here.

    February 21 2021 - 4:15 pm

    UPDATED: Track Down Purchases v4.4

    For macOS 10.15 and later only. This applet can examine the Music library and sort audio tracks purchased from iTunes into discrete playlists by either the purchaser's name or Apple ID (eg: "Purchased by Jane Smith" or "Purchased by") which in turn will be placed in a "Purchaser Playlists" playlist folder.

    Free to try in Demo Mode: While in Demo Mode, the number of tracks associated with each Purchaser will be reported but sorting tracks into playlists is disabled. An in-app purchase of a registration code will enable playlist creation.

    To purchase a registration code, download and launch the app. Click "Register..." in its File menu and follow the prompts to purchase a code for $1.99. When your payment is processed, you will receive a registration code that will unlock the Demo Mode restriction.

    Latest version:

    • Fixes issue when no local files are available
    • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

    More information for Track Down Purchases v4.4 and download link is here.

    Site contents © 2001 - 2024 (that's right: 2001) Doug Adams and weblished by Doug Adams. Contact support AT dougscripts DOT com. About.
    All rights reserved. Privacy.
    AppleScript, iTunes, iPod, iPad, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. This site has no direct affiliation with Apple, Inc.
    The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.