UPDATED: Lyrics Tag Viewer v1.1
View and edit a selected track's Custom Lyrics tag in a non-modal window, which, unlike a track's Info panel, will not block keyboard and mouse activity in the Music app's interface.
Latest version:
- Works around an issue that prevented exporting as text
- Minor adjustments and fixes
More information for Lyrics Tag Viewer v1.1 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Rate Me! Rate Me! v6.8
This stay-open applet watches your playing tracks and when one begins playing displays a notification-sized panel whereby a Rating and/or Favorite or Suggest Less for the track can be entered. Features options to display only unrated playing tracks and timer preferences for how soon and how long the panel is displayed.
While you could easily rate the current track from the Music app's icon in the Dock, this script interrupts you and compels you to do so.
Latest version:
- Fixes issue with misdetecting computed ratings
- Fixes issue which could prevent correctly updating Favorite/Suggest Less
- Fixes issue that might ignore "Show for unrated tracks only" setting
More information for Rate Me! Rate Me! v6.8 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Remove Leading-Trailing Spaces v3.3
This script will remove any number of extra space characters at the beginning and ending of chosen tags (Title, Artist/Director, Album Artist, Album, Composer, Genre, Grouping, Movement, Work and Show) in the selected tracks.
Latest version:
- Maintenance and minor performance fixes for Sonoma
More information for Remove Leading-Trailing Spaces v3.3 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Restore Artwork from Album Folder v4.7
This script will look for an image file in the parent folder of each selected track's file--presumably its Album folder in which you have previously placed an image file of some sort--and apply the data from that image file as artwork for the track.
Also see Save Album Art to Album Folder and Save Album Art as folder.jpg which assist with exporting album artwork as image files.
Latest version:
- Maintenance and minor performance fixes for Sonoma
More information for Restore Artwork from Album Folder v4.7 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Merge-Delete Playlists v7.4
This script will allow you to merge the track contents of two or more playlists to a new or existing playlist or delete any number of playlists at once, including Smart, Genius, and Playlist Folder playlists. The merge feature will prevent the same tracks that may appear in different source playlists from being duplicated and has an option to delete original playlists. The delete feature only deletes playlists; tracks, of course, remain in the library.
Latest version:
- Maintenance and minor performance fixes
More information for Merge-Delete Playlists v7.4 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Delete Empty Playlists v5.4
This script will list the empty user-created playlists in the Music app and can delete all or just a selection of them.
Latest version:
- Maintenance and minor performance fixes
- Tested for macOS Sonoma 14
More information for Delete Empty Playlists v5.4 and download link is here.
UPDATED: CD-Text to CD Info v6.3
This applet will attempt to extract the CD-Text information from the selected audio CD in the Music app and apply it to the CD's disc and track tags.
Some commercial CDs and commercial CD burning software (including the Music app) can use CD-Text as a method of including text data on an audio CD. This data can include Artist (Performer), Album, Composer, Track Title, and Genre info. See the Read Me for more information.
Latest version:
- Maintenance and minor performance fixes
- Tested under macOS Sonoma 14
More information for CD-Text to CD Info v6.3 and download link is here.
NEW: Year to Album of Selected Track v1.0
l still buy and rip CDs. And frequently these days the CDs are remastered or recompiled or back-filled with back catalog, and so on. I find it slightly irritating that sometimes the Year tag for these tracks is from the release date of the reconstituted CD rather than the year of original release. I get why some people prefer this. But I do not. Sometimes I can fix the Year if I notice it post rip. But more than likely it will be, ahem, years before I notice.
This can screw up a Smart or Genius playlist, too. And that's generally how I'll notice it; I'm expecting tracks from a particular era but they don't show up because they were released in the future. Arggh.
In order to swat this predicament whenever I come across it on-the-fly, I wrote a script, Year to Album of Selected Track, that will use the selected or playing track's album and artist tags to identify its album track mates in the library and batch-change their Year tag to the one I enter.
Thus, whenever I notice that a lonely album track in a playlist has the wrong Year, I can update the whole album without the "Show Album in Library" ado. And indeed there can be a lot of ado.
Exceptions/Deal Breaker? Yes: perhaps obviously, an album of tracks with more than a single artist name will produce errant results. Both album name and artist are used to unambiguously identify a particular whole album where, ostensibly, each track has the same artist tag. But in the cases of some compilation albums, or albums with augmented artist tags (such as including a "feat" artist or soloist), only the tracks that match the artist and album name from the selected or playing track will be updated—and that could mean only the selected or playing track gets updated! Just sayin'.
More information for Year to Album of Selected Track v1.0 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Move Playlists to Folder v4.5
This script will move the batch of playlists you select to a new or existing Playlist Folder. Additionally, plain Playlists can be extricated from Folders to the top level and new Playlist Folders can be created containing a selection of Playlists.
Latest version:
- Minor fixes and maintenance
- Repaired dead links in Help menu
More information for Move Playlists to Folder v4.5 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Insert Text into Tag v1.2
This script will insert the same user-entered text at a specific position in the designated tag of each selected track.
Latest version:
- Maintenance and minor performance fixes
More information for Insert Text into Tag v1.2 and download link is here.