UPDATED: Random Full Albums to Playlist v3.0
For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This script will assemble a user-set number of randomly selected full albums to a playlist. The "Some Random Albums" playlist will be re-created on successive launches unless you choose to append additional random albums to the existing "Some Random Albums" playlist. (A "full album" is a set of tracks with the same album name, track count and disc number and where the number of these tracks is equal to the common track count; it will not select all the disks in a multi-disk collection, just one of them; accurate tags are a must!)
Assign it a keyboard shortcut.
Also see Play Random Album.
Latest version:
- Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Performance and security enhancements
More information for Random Full Albums to Playlist v3.0 and download link is here.
NEW: Divvy Up A Playlist v2.0
For macOS 10.15 and later. This script will copy the tracks of a selected user-created playlist to a series of new, smaller playlists each set to a maximum time length and each named with a user-supplied base name and number suffix incremented sequentially. Additionally, the new playlists can all be moved to a new Playlist Folder. Tracks can be distributed in Playlist Order, Current Sorted Order or Randomized.
Latest version:
- Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Adds ability to use Play Order, Sorted Order or Random Order
- Performance and security enhancements
More information for Divvy Up A Playlist v2.0 and download link is here.
NEW: Make Playlists By Tag v3.0
For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This applet will create new Music track playlists based on each selected entry of a specified tag. That is, create individual playlists for each Artist, Album Artist, Album, Composer (or their "Sort" siblings), Genre, or Year.
Latest version:
- Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Performance and security enhancements
More information for Make Playlists By Tag v3.0 and download link is here.
NEW: Track CPR v3.0
For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script will assist with re-associating replacement files with dead tracks. The Music app can perform this task, too, but only one track at a time.
The process takes 3 steps:
- The script finds and lists the "dead" tracks in the Music library
- User drag-and-drops potential replacement files to the window; a viable replacement file is one whose name, album and artist metadata matches a dead track's
- Re-associate viable replacement files with their matched track entries
The Read Me contains additional important details and cautions.
Latest version:
- Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Removes "Choose Files" and replaces with drag-and-drop
- Performance and security enhancements
More information for Track CPR v3.0 and download link is here.
Track Description Tag
Apple's Music app still provides a Description tag for music tracks but the only way to see or change this tag is through the browser window while in Songs view:
While this is a, ahem, serviceable means to enter data, if you visit my house you'll have to use this script attached to a keyboard shortcut:
Here's the script to view and edit the description tag of a single selected track:
tell application "Music"
set singleSelection to item 1 of selection
set defaultDescription to (get description of singleSelection)
set ddResult to (display dialog "Description for \"" & (get name of singleSelection) & "\":" default answer defaultDescription)
-- if Cancel button pressed, script ends here
set description of singleSelection to text returned of ddResult
end try
end tell
Copy the script into Script Editor or click the little Script icon to begin the Trial by Permissions Dialogs to *automatically* open the script in Script Editor. Save it named whatever you like as a "Script" to your ~Library/Music/Scripts/ folder. Then assign it a keyboard shortcut.
UPDATED: List MIAs v5.5
For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This applet checks your Music or TV library for missing and presumed dead tracks--those tracks that have become disassociated from their file and which are listed with a "!"--and can delete them from the app or create a text file listing these tracks by last known File Path, Song Name, Artist and Album, which you can view using TextEdit.
Also see Super Remove Dead Tracks and Media Folder Files Not Added.
Free to use in Demo Mode: While in Demo Mode, dead tracks will be displayed and can be exported as a list to a text file. Delete from Music/TV and other features will be disabled.
To purchase a registration code and remove these restrictions, download and launch the app. Click "Register..." in its File menu and follow the prompts to purchase a code for $2.99. When your payment is processed, you will be emailed a registration code that will unlock the Demo Mode restrictions.
Latest version:
- Minor adjustments to better accommodate the Music and TV apps
- Performance enhancements
- v5.4 (November, 2019):
- Adds support for the TV app - install in TV's Scripts folder
More information for List MIAs v5.5 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Make A Text List v6.1
For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This script can assemble a list of tag information about the selected tracks (or tracks in the selected playlist) using a configurable pattern substitution string and provides the ability to export this formatted text to the clipboard, a text file or the Print Dialog.
Latest version:
- Adds support for the Music app
- Adds "Insert Only TABs" option to Token Field's Action Menu
- Adds "Show [TAB] instead of real tab" option to accessory controls
- Fixes issue when encountering tracks without location property
- Fixes issue with date formatting
- Performance enhancements
More information for Make A Text List v6.1 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Save Album Art to Album Folder v6.3
For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This script will export the artwork of the selected tracks (or the tracks in a selected playlist) as an image file to the folder which contains each selected track's file--presumably each track's Album folder--or a single user-selected folder. If multiple album tracks are selected, the script will make sure only one artwork file per Album is exported.
Also see Save Album Art as folder.jpg.
Latest version:
- Adds preference setting to prefer Album Artist, if it exists, instead of Artist when naming the image file
- Minor performance enhancements
More information for Save Album Art to Album Folder v6.3 and download link is here.
UPDATED: Multi-Item Edit v6.6
For macOS 10.15 and later only. This applet will allow you to view and edit most tags (and some additional options) of the selected track(s) in a single floating window using single-edit mode (one selected track) or multi-edit mode, which emulates the pre-iTunes 12 "multiple items" format; that is, a checkbox adjacent to each tag allows you to select which changes are to be applied to the selection's tags.
Can also be used to copy collected tags from one set of tracks to another set of tracks by toggling "Information Tracking".
Thanks to Wolfgang Reszel for the icon.
Latest version:
- Fixes issue applying data to single selected track
- Minor UI adjustments
- Performance improvements
More information for Multi-Item Edit v6.6 and download link is here.
Track Number isn't a TV Tag (Much)
I have to admit, it's hard to keep in mind what tags from iTunes are still available for which media in the Music and TV apps.
Case in point: the track number tag. A Track Number is the index of a track in its album play order. Every school child knows that (well, every school child familiar with "album"). Strictly speaking, it is a music-related tag. But because iTunes handled music and video tracks, ALL tracks had a track number tag.
The TV app apparently does not care to have much truck with the Track Number tag; it does not appear in a track's Show Info panel. But it can appear as a column in List View. And it is still accessible by AppleScript.
I heard from a Correspondent who was concerned about his pristine TV Show track numbering largely being obscured by the TV app. I suppose you could: 1) Put the list of TV Shows in List View, 2) Show the Track Number column and 3) Command-I each track and manually enter the Track Number into the episode field.
Or, run this script on a selection of TV tracks to copy the track number to the episode number: