October 31 2014 - 3:06 pm

Save Current Track's Artwork

I don't know why you'd want to do this on any kind of regular basis, but I thought it was kinda fun for a Friday afternoon. I wanted to see if I could save artwork from iTunes Radio tracks, but it works with whatever the current track is:

tell application "iTunes"


if player state is not stopped then

set alb to (get album of current track)

tell artwork 1 of current track

if format is JPEG picture then

set imgFormat to ".jpg"


set imgFormat to ".png"

end if

end tell

set rawData to (get raw data of artwork 1 of current track)



end if

on error

display dialog "Problem getting track info." buttons {"OK"}


end try

end tell


set baseLoc to choose folder

on error


end try

set newPath to ((baseLoc as text) & alb & imgFormat) as text


tell me to set fileRef to (open for access newPath with write permission)

write rawData to fileRef starting at 0

tell me to close access fileRef

on error m number n

log n

log m


tell me to close access fileRef

end try

end try

Open that in Script Editor and "Save..." it as "Save Current Track's Artwork" (or whatever) in your ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/ folder. Whenever a track is playing, you can launch it to choose a folder in which to save the current track's artwork. Great way to fill up your desktop with effluvia. (I'm kidding. But it would be good for that.)

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.