August 7 2016 - 2:54 pm

Dislike is a New iTunes 12.5 Track Property

If you have access to the latest macOS 10.12 Developer Preview then you probably downloaded the newest iTunes 12.5 beta ( It has a new "Dislike" track feature and corresponding AppleScript disliked track and playlist property and album disliked track property. These work like the corresponding loved properties.


In the current iTunes beta there is no way to know which tracks you've Dislike'd; there's no column in the browser window [UPDATE: Yes there is], there's no widget in the Get Info window [UPDATE: Yes there is], and there's no "Disliked" criteria for Smart Playlist making—yet, I guess, right? [UPDATE: Right! iTunes 12.5.2, released October 28, 2016, has Love/Album Love criteria that incorporates "Disliked".]

But for now there is this:

-- iTunes or later required

tell application "iTunes"

set dislikedTracks to {}


set dislikedTracks to every track of library playlist 1 whose disliked is true

end try

if dislikedTracks is {} then return

if (exists playlist "_Disliked_") then

delete playlist "_Disliked_"

end if

set thePlaylist to (make new playlist with properties ¬

{name:"_Disliked_", description:("Disliked tracks as of " & my makeDateString()) as text})

repeat with dislikedTrack in dislikedTracks


duplicate dislikedTrack to thePlaylist

end try

end repeat

reveal thePlaylist

end tell

to makeDateString()

set cd to (get current date)

return (short date string of cd & space & time string of cd) as text

end makeDateString

It just copies every disliked track to a new playlist named "_Disliked_", re-creating the playlist each time the script is run. It'll also time stamp the playlist's description.

This script won't work unless you have the latest iTunes 12.5 beta with the disliked track property, which I suspect may be in the next Public Beta release.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.