Issue With Work and Movement Tag Text
(This post has been updated, see below.)
A Correspondent emaIed to point out that when text is entered in either the new Work or Movement Name tags and the text contains non-English characters they do not render correctly in Albums and Artists Views. Nor in the Info window:
So, watch out. This may be a display issue but I am not sure if Apple can fix it at their end or an update to iTunes is required.
UPDATE: FWIW, this is how it looks in the XML. Note that the Name tag is fine, but not the Movement tag:
UPDATE ALSO (September 16, 2016): This issue appears to have been resolved today after re-entering Work and Movement text.
UPDATE MORE (September 16, 2016): Spoke to soon. If the track is played then the NULL character returns. (Is that what that diamond-question mark character is called? Been a long time since I've seen it on webpages.)