
July 3 2007 - 1:40 pm

Proximity + iPhone

Proximity is an application (menu bar app, actually) that monitors the proximity of your mobile phone or other bluetooth device and executes custom AppleScripts when the device goes out of range or comes into range of your computer. Guess what? Couple of geniuses have written some example scripts for it that work in conjunction with iPhone.

June 29 2007 - 6:33 pm

1833 EDT -- No Sign of iPhone Users

Just wanted to say that, for the interest of historians, as of 30 minutes+ iPhone availability, no one that I know of has posted anything about the iPhone.

June 29 2007 - 10:33 am

iTunes 7.3 Available

As suspected, Apple has posted iTunes 7.3. Presumably it provides support for iPhone, but if there are any significant AppleScripting changes, I will post as soon as I can.

January 10 2007 - 3:59 pm

Definition of a Fanboy

How anxious for an iPhone do you have to be?

Now, who has more time to waste? The guy who makes the mock-up? Or the guy (me) who actually finds the website of the guy who makes the mock-up?

January 10 2007 - 3:58 pm

But What About a Phone-less iPhone?

I'm as amazed and excited by Apple's iPhone as anyone. But what I want is just an iPod with Multi-Touch and the landscape/portrait detector. I don't need a phone and I don't need to access the internet or my email away from home. So, what do you figure...sometime this Summer? Oh, and since I'm wishing, how about a way to load and use AppleScripts on the darn thing?

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.