iTunes 10

September 12 2012 - 4:01 pm

iTunes 10.7 Released

Apple has released iTunes 10.7—which is not the version unveiled at today's event to be released in October. This modest update contains support for iOS 6 and the new iPod models.

June 11 2012 - 5:55 pm

iTunes 10.6.3 is Available

Apple has released iTunes 10.6.3—skipping a 10.6.2 release apparently—that has a number of bug fixes. More as it develops.

March 28 2012 - 9:08 pm

iTunes 10.6.1 Released

Apple has released iTunes 10.6.1. It features a variety of bug fixes including a TV Show sorting glitch when browsing the library on Apple TV, unexpected quits during video plays, changing Grid view, or photo syncing to devices.

March 7 2012 - 5:45 pm

iTunes 10.6 Available

Apple has released iTunes 10.6 which features some iTunes Match fixes and accomodation for 1080p video to go along with the new AppleTV.

January 19 2012 - 12:59 pm

iTunes 10.5.3 Available

Apple has released iTunes 10.5.3, which features support for the new iBooks textbook format.

December 13 2011 - 10:07 am

iTunes Match AppleScripting Notes Redux

iTunes 10.5.2 appears to fix some issues I was seeing regarding AppleScripting and iTunes Match. In 10.5.1, AppleScript occasionally wouldn't recognize that a track had "morphed" from shared track to file track—say, after downloading a file from the cloud—and visa versa without restarting iTunes. This is fixed and AppleScript detects the change of class immediately.

Also, attempting to delete an iTunes Match file track from the library will no longer elicit the alert dialog requiring confirmation to remove the track from the cloud; the track will simply remain in the library as a shared track and will remain in the cloud. Its file remains in its original location (although its local file path can be retrieved via the track's location property and used to move, Trash or rm the file if necessary). For obvious security reasons, AppleScript cannot delete a track from the cloud or completely delete an iTunes Match track from iTunes. This kind of removal can only be done manually by the user.

I should note that a script probably should remove the file when deleting an iTunes Match track from the library (that is, library playlist 1; deleting from an ordinary user playlist simply removes the track from the playlist, as expected). Otherwise, re-downloading the file from the cloud will create a duplicate file.

On another note entirely, I'm seeing artwork now appearing again as a track's file's Finder icon. Since iTunes 10.4 artwork behavior has been—as one tweet to me put it—"hinky" in this regard. I don't pay much attention to artwork so this may have been fixed in 10.5.1 or perhaps is an iTunes Match phenomenon.

More as it develops.

(UPDATE: Several Correspondents have reported that artworks were showing up as Finder icons again as of 10.5.1.)

December 12 2011 - 10:40 pm

iTunes 10.5.2 Is Available

Apple posted iTunes 10.5.2 today with improvements to iTunes Match (not sure which specific issues have been addressed yet) and a fix for an CD audio distortion issue.

November 14 2011 - 3:18 pm

iTunes 10.5.1 with iTunes Match Available

Today Apple posted iTunes 10.5.1 which features iTunes Match syncing over iCloud.

October 11 2011 - 2:57 pm

iTunes 10.5 Released

Apple released iTunes 10.5 today. The long-anticipated 10.5 release includes support for iCloud, iTunes Match, and automatic downloads. OS 10.5 (Leopard) or better required. (Interestingly, the iTunes 10.5.1 beta was released to developers.)

August 22 2011 - 8:15 pm

iTunes 10.4.1 Available

Apple released iTunes 10.4.1 today.

Despite what the release notes mention about addressing "issues with adding artwork to songs and videos", I was unable to get album artwork to display as a track's file's Finder icon. Personally, I don't care if this is a bug or a feature. But I know it really annoys a lot of people.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.