March 4 2015 - 7:06 pm

Spotify Artwork

Remember that script I posted a while back that exports the currently playing iTunes track's artwork?

Well, this one works with Spotify's desktop app:

tell application "Spotify"


if player state is not stopped then

set alb to (get album of current track)

set rawData to (get artwork of current track)



end if

on error

display dialog "Problem getting track info." buttons {"OK"}


end try

end tell


set baseLoc to choose folder

on error


end try

set newPath to ((baseLoc as text) & (my replaceChars(alb, ":", "_")) & ".tiff") as text


set fileRef to (open for access newPath with write permission)

write rawData to fileRef starting at 0

tell me to close access fileRef

on error m number n

log n

log m


tell me to close access fileRef

end try

end try

on replaceChars(txt, srch, repl)

set text item delimiters to srch

set item_list to every text item of txt

set text item delimiters to repl

set txt to item_list as string

set text item delimiters to ""

return txt

end replaceChars

Spotify has a pretty basic sdef but you can get some info from the current track, including artwork.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.