Mountain Lion
It feels like I just got everything running OK under Lion and Apple updates the OS again.
Luckily, I've had several months of preparation and testing with the 10.8 Developer Previews. For the most part, there haven't been that many significant changes that affect how the AppleScripts for iTunes from this site operate on Mountain Lion. Of course, I haven't been able to test every script. But I've done enough testing to know where some minor problems may crop up and this seems limited to a few Cocoa-AppleScript applets and dropletsmostly due to the way I originally coded them and not necessarily because OS X 10.8 is that much different from 10.7. All Cocoa-AppleScripts will be updated for Mountain Lion and signed with a Developer ID (more on Gatekeeper security in a later post). Unfortunately, today of all days, my production Mac's hard drive failedjust when I got everything running OK under Lion. So there will be a day or so delay before I can post all updated scripts.
In any case: if you encounter a problem with a script that worked well before but doesn't work well now in Mountain Lion then 1) check to see if it's been recently updated or 2) let me know about it.