November 13 2016 - 10:46 am

Another Ambiguous Property Value

Not too long ago, a version of the iTunes scripting definition used the new value "music" for the media kind property. Unfortunately, this caused confusion with the similar "Music" value for a playlist's special kind property. This was eventually fixed such that "song" was used instead of "music" for the media kind property. All's well now, right? We'll never see a mistake like that again, right?

Never say never.

It happens that "songs" is an enumerator value for the search command as well as for the new shuffle mode property. And, unfortunately, when "songs" is used as the search command's only value—eg: search somePlaylist for "my search text" only songs, indicating that one wants to search just song titles—some kind of ambiguity issue causes a reversion to the default all value. Thus, every tag is searched for the search term instead of only the song titles and you'll get a lot more search results than expected. For example, in searching my Movies library for "Big", I not only got "The Big Lebowski" and "The Big Chill", but a bunch of other movies that had the word "big" in their description tag.

Ironically, a search of the scripting definition file may have caught this before "songs" was re-purposed for shuffle mode.

This affects at least one script of mine, Search Results to Playlist, which I'm fixing with a silly workaround using hard-coded enumerator codes in a run script handler. Yech.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.