June 26 2018 - 3:16 pm

macOS 10.14 Mojave Betas

Apple has released the first Mojave beta for enrollees of its Public Beta program. Developers have had access to two versions of the beta to date.

Like most developers, I'll be spending a lot of my Summer digging in to make sure my scripts and apps for iTunes are compatible and/or take advantage of new macOS features. And, as I caution around this time every year, if you are using the betas:

Don't count on current scripts and apps having complete compatibility this early. In my nominal testing so far, I haven't run into any serious issues with current versions of my software. But unless a script or app specifically states that it's macOS 10.14 Mojave-compatible, assume that it isn't—at least until the final release of Mojave later this year.

Early betas are simply not stable and can't be depended on for "mission-critical" work. If a script or app doesn't work like it used to it could be because the OS isn't fully-baked yet.

Report a problem! The whole point of the beta program is to expose problems. It's a good thing! If you have an issue with my software running under the Mojave beta, please let me know the details by emailing support AT dougscripts DOT com.

Thanks for your support and help!

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.