
April 18 2010 - 12:17 pm

UPDATED: Proper English Title Capitalization v2.0

I updated Proper English Title Capitalization—for the first time in almost seven years—to version 2.0. It's mostly a maintenance update, but I did make it run just a bit faster for Leopard or better by dumping the obsoleted "ASCII character of/number of" syntax. I also added "Show" and "Grouping" to the choice of tags to modify.

April 8 2010 - 6:21 pm

UPDATED: Lossless to AAC Workflow v2.2

If you're one of the Correspondents who over the past couple of years have been suggesting I add AIFF-ability to Lossless to AAC Workflow, then the new v2.2 is for you.

These are two scripts that assist with importing/managing Apple Lossless or AIFF audio files and sending converted AAC copies to a mounted iPod set to "manually manage songs and videos". Yes, iTunes 9.1+ will auto-encode tracks to iPod, but only 128kbps AAC; these scripts enable to use your Custom AAC encoder settings.

October 6 2009 - 9:54 am

UPDATED: Import iPod Audio Files v3.0

Import iPod Audio Files copies the files of the selected iPod tracks to your iTunes Music/Media folder and then adds them to iTunes. Additionally, you can assign the new tracks to their own playlist. Requires the iPod be set to "Manually manage music and videos".

Will not work on Windows-formatted iPods.

Not compatible with iPhone/iPod touch.

Not recommended for large-scale iPod audio recovery operations.

This latest version is a maintenance release that fixes a problem locating files and has a re-designed progress indicator.

October 1 2009 - 10:00 am

NEW: Make Add-to-Playlist-Droplet

After posting Drop to Playlist recently, I went crazy for the droplets. This new script, Make Add-to-Playlist-Droplet, will create AppleScript droplets that perform a function similar to iTunes 9's "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder but for individual playlists. Simply select a playlist and run the script to create a droplet that references the selected playlist. Once such a droplet is created, drag-and-dropping files to its icon in the Finder will add the files to your iTunes library and copy the new tracks directly to the playlist that the droplet references. The script will allow you to create as many droplets for as may playlists as you like.

September 30 2009 - 8:41 am

UPDATED: Embed Artwork v2.0

I've updated Brian Webster's Embed Artwork as universal binary, but otherwise there are no changes. This script simply re-embeds artwork into the files of the selected tracks. Handy for ensuring that artwork data travels with a file.

September 29 2009 - 9:47 am

UPDATED: I Hate That iTunes Done Chime! v2.0

OK. I suppose I don't actually hate it. But you might find it convenient to change the "done" chime that sounds whenever you import or convert files in iTunes. I Hate That iTunes Done Chime! v2.0 will let you select a new sound to replace "boodely-OOP!" -- which is actually named "complete.aif". You can choose from any of the default system sounds (ping, sosumi, submarine, and so on), no sound, or your own AIFF sound file.

This latest version is simply a maintenance release and is saved as universal binary.

September 25 2009 - 7:35 am

NEW: Drop to Playlist

If you like the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder that is created with iTunes 9, which allows you to drop files to it to add to iTunes, you may like Drop to Playlist. This is a droplet that will add files dropped on it to your iTunes library and then copy them to a specific user playlist that you set in the droplet's preferences. The preference setting is accessed by double-clicking the droplet, and can be changed when required. Handy when placed in the Finder toolbar or sidebar.

September 23 2009 - 10:33 am

Rosetta Redux

As you may know: to run AppleScripts that were compiled on a PowerPC machine on Intel machines (and therefore Snow Leopard) requires Rosetta—an optional install on your SL install disc. While Rosetta is a fairly small install, some people have expressed an interest in staying Rosetta-free. There are quite a few of these types of AppleScripts here on the site and I'm working on updating them to Universal Binary (although a good percentage of these in the Retro Scripts category probably won't be updated by virtue of being obsolete). Long-time visitors may also have some of these scripts in their collections.

While you could wait for me to update these kinds of scripts to UB—disclosure: one of these days I will get around to admitting that I am a notorious procrastinator—you can update these scripts yourself by doing what I would do: open the script in AppleScript Editor, noting whether it is a compiled Script (.scpt) or an Application (.app), and re-save it. It will be re-compiled for your machine type, and if it is an Intel machine, will run without Rosetta. The "Run Only" and "Startup Screen" checkboxes can be left unchecked. Script Applications that use idle handlers need to be checked "Stay Open".

During the Save, if AppleScript Editor informs you that the "Document Format is Read Only: This script application is in a format that is no longer supported...", the case for non-bundled applications compiled pre-SL, just click the "Save As" button, and proceed with the save. In Snow Leopard, single-file-type apps are no longer supported. The defacto Application type is a bundle.

The AppleScript Release Note: 10.6 Changes page at Apple has more on this.

September 23 2009 - 7:17 am

NEW: Dumb Down Genius Mix Playlist v1.0

Dumb Down Genius Mix Playlist will copy the tracks of a playing Genius Mix playlist to a new "dumb" (regular) playlist, which, for example, can be copied/sync'd to older iPods that do not accommodate Genius Mixes. You can subsequently copy the contents of additional Genius Mix playlists to the new playlist, refill it, or create more. (Each Genius Mix playlist only references about 70 tracks maximum, which is why you may have several, say, "Rock Mix" playlists.)

Thanks to Correspondent Pedro Espinosa for coming up with the basic work for this clever script.

September 22 2009 - 1:06 pm

UPDATED: PDF Adder v3.0

PDF Adder v3.0 is a collection of three AppleScripts that assist with adding PDF files to iTunes as "digital booklet" PDF tracks. Each provides a method for easily supplying Artist and Album tag data which is then applied to the newly-added PDF track:

  • Add as PDF to iTunes is a PDF Service workflow that, when installed, will be available in the PDF pop-up menu of the Print Dialog. It allows you to save the current document as a PDF file (from any application that uses the Print Dialog) and add it to iTunes.
  • PDF Adder is an applet that will let you choose an existing PDF file and add it to iTunes. It can be installed in iTunes' Scripts folder for easy access from iTunes Script menu.
  • PDF Dropper is a droplet that lets you add a PDF file to iTunes by drag-and-drop.

This latest incarnation has been updated for Leopard/Snow Leopard. The last update was in 2006.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.