Music app

November 27 2019 - 7:13 pm

UPDATED: Media Folder Files Not Added v1.3

For macOS 10.15 Catalina or later. This application will list the file paths of the media files in your designated "Media" folder which are not associated with any tracks in the Music or TV app's' track library. Additionally, you can select a different parent folder and its contents will be compared to the current library. Includes options to Export a text file listing the file paths, Filter within results, Add a selection of found files to Music or TV, and move them to the Trash. The latter two features are only available in the registered version.

Also see Super Remove Dead Tracks and List MIAs.

To purchase a registration code and remove these restrictions, download and launch the app. Click "Register..." in its File menu and follow the prompts to purchase a code for $2.99. When your payment is processed, you will receive a registration code that will unlock the inhibited features.

Latest version:

  • Adds support for the TV app
  • Speed improvements
  • v1.2:
  • Fixes invalid parameter issue at launch
  • v1.1:
  • Fixes unusual issue when quit
  • v1.0:
  • Initial release for Catalina

More information for Media Folder Files Not Added v1.3 and download link is here.

November 26 2019 - 3:47 pm

UPDATED: Flush Apple Music Cache Files v2.0

For macOS 10.15 and later. Apple Music stores the audio files it plays in ~/Library/Caches/ This script will simply delete that folder.

The files in this folder are specially protected audio files that are downloaded and cached when you play a track from Apple Music on your Mac. They can't be user-played and are only useful to Apple Music, ostensibly so they needn't be re-downloaded if they are played again. (This cache folder doesn't pertain to Radio music. Or to Apple Music you've added to your library for offline listening, the files of which are stored in your "Media" folder.)

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina and the Music app
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Flush Apple Music Cache Files v2.0 and download link is here.

November 26 2019 - 12:04 pm

UPDATED: List MIAs v5.4

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This applet checks your Music or TV library for missing and presumed dead tracks--those tracks that have become disassociated from their file and which are listed with a "!"--and can delete them from the app or create a text file listing these tracks by last known File Path, Song Name, Artist and Album, which you can view using TextEdit.

Also see Super Remove Dead Tracks and Media Folder Files Not Added.

Free to use in Demo Mode: While in Demo Mode, dead tracks will be displayed and can be exported as a list to a text file. Delete from Music/TV and other features will be disabled.

To purchase a registration code and remove these restrictions, download and launch the app. Click "Register..." in its File menu and follow the prompts to purchase a code for $2.99. When your payment is processed, you will be emailed a registration code that will unlock the Demo Mode restrictions.

Latest version:

  • Adds support for the TV app - install in TV's Scripts folder
  • v5.3:
  • Corrects column order in export text
  • v5.2:
  • Fixes unusual issue when quit
  • v5.1:
  • Fixes invalid parameter issue some users were seeing that prevented launch
  • Additional Catalina accommodations

More information for List MIAs v5.4 and download link is here.

November 26 2019 - 9:25 am

UPDATED: Multi-Item Edit v6.5

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This applet will allow you to view and edit most tags (and some additional options) of the selected track(s) in a single floating window using single-edit mode (one selected track) or multi-edit mode, which emulates the pre-iTunes 12 "multiple items" format; that is, a checkbox adjacent to each tag allows you to select which changes are to be applied to the selection's tags.

Can also be used to copy collected tags from one set of tracks to another set of tracks by toggling "Information Tracking".

Thanks to Wolfgang Reszel for the icon.

Latest version:

  • Address issue with some TV app tags (TV's Short Description issue still a problem)
  • Ratings popup dropped for more Music-like ratings widget

More information for Multi-Item Edit v6.5 and download link is here.

November 24 2019 - 11:53 am

UPDATED: Super Remove Dead Tracks v5.2

For macOS 10.15 Catalina or later. Scans the Music or TV app for tracks whose files are inaccessible or no longer available (so-called "dead" tracks) and removes them. Outputs a tab-delimited text log listing the tracks that were removed by Artist, Name, Album and last known file location. Optional test run mode allows you to log the tracks that would have been deleted.

Also see List MIAs and Music Folder Files Not Added.

Latest version:

  • Adds support for the TV app - install in TV's Scripts folder
  • v5.1:
  • Fixes unusual issue when quit
  • v5.0:
  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Super Remove Dead Tracks v5.2 and download link is here.

November 24 2019 - 9:49 am

UPDATED: List MIAs v5.3

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This applet checks your Music library for missing and presumed dead tracks--those tracks that Music is unable to associate with a file and which are listed in Music with a "!"--and can delete them from the Music app or create a text file listing these tracks by last known File Path (if available), Song Name, Artist and Album, which you can view using TextEdit.

Also see Super Remove Dead Tracks and Media Folder Files Not Added.

Free to use in Demo Mode: While in Demo Mode, dead tracks will be displayed and can be exported as a list to a text file. Delete from Music and other features will be disabled.

To purchase a registration code and remove these restrictions, download and launch the app. Click "Register..." in its File menu and follow the prompts to purchase a code for $2.99. When your payment is processed, you will be emailed a registration code that will unlock the Demo Mode restrictions.

Latest version:

  • Corrects column order in export text
  • v5.2:
  • Fixes unusual issue when quit
  • v5.1:
  • Fixes invalid parameter issue some users were seeing that prevented launch
  • Additional Catalina accommodations

More information for List MIAs v5.3 and download link is here.

November 24 2019 - 4:02 am

UPDATED: Side Splitter v2.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This script will copy a selection of tracks (presumably the tracks of a single particular album) into separate user-designated "album side" playlists and place these playlists in a distinct Playlist Folder. The script will then play each playlist "side" one at a time, pausing after each one until you accede to play the next "side" (as might occur with an actual LP record).

You can get the track order for an album if you Search Discogs or Search Wikipedia.

Written as a sort of joke to illustrate the awkwardness of recreating an analog music listening experience digitally.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Adds option to "insert" 4 seconds of delay between tracks
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Side Splitter v2.0 and download link is here.

November 22 2019 - 7:14 pm

UPDATED: Year of Release Date to Year v3.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This script will try to grab the year from the Release Date tag of each selected track and copy it to its Year tag. Results are not always fruitful--like, if there is no Release Date tag associated with the track--in which case a track's current Year tag is left unchanged.

FYI: Release Date, like Date Added, is read-only and cannot be altered.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Year of Release Date to Year v3.0 and download link is here.

November 22 2019 - 4:32 pm

UPDATED: Player Position to Start or Stop v3.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. Sets the Start or Stop time of the currently paused or playing track to the time of the current player position.

Also seeCopy From Start to Stop and Reset Tracks Start-Stop.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Player Position to Start or Stop v3.0 and download link is here.

November 22 2019 - 4:32 pm

UPDATED: Copy From Start to Stop v3.0

Makes a copy of the selected track using its Start and Stop times as the beginning and ending of the new file and adds to Library, with option to name new track/file. If using with file tracks, NOTE: you may experience some degradation of audio quality if you re-encode a file (one which has already been encoded), and thus the quality of your copy may be a matter of taste. Mileage will vary.

Also see Player Position to Start or Stop and Reset Tracks Start-Stop.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Copy From Start to Stop v3.0 and download link is here.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.