Tips and Info

January 10 2007 - 3:58 pm

-192 Error Update

As I mentioned earlier, some users of my scripts are getting a "Could not run this script because the required resources were not found. -192" error. I originaly thought this was happening on Intel Macs only, but I received this from a Correspondent last night:

Here's my story: I downloaded some scripts from your site the past few days, and on my Powerbook (G4) with OS 10.3.9 and iTunes 6, several scripts give the same error you mentioned above, when launched from the script menu or by doubleclicking the script in the iTunes Scripts folder. But when I doubleclick the originally downloaded script directly, they all work! So I experimented a bit more: move script out of the scripts folder: it works (except it doesn't show in the script menu, obviously), move it back in, it doesn't work. I don't know enough of this to research it any further, but maybe this is a useful lead.

So, it appears that there is a problem with the Scripts folder?

January 8 2007 - 4:00 pm

Required Resources Error -192

Lately, I have been getting an unusual number of emails from users who are receiving a "Could not run this script because the required resources were not found. -192" error. According to Apple's Error Numbers and Error Messages: Operating System Errors page, this is an operating system error which "occurs when AppleScript or an application requests services from the Mac OS. They are rare, and more important, there's usually nothing you can do about them in a script." This means that the script can't do much to work around the error. However, I am concerned because I am seeing this error reported much more frequently now than I ever have before.

It also appears that users with Intel Macs are getting the error. The error happens with a wide variety of scripts, many of which have been quite reliable in the past, so it is difficult to pinpoint what the problem may be.

I have posted this query at Macscripter's forum hoping that others may have seen this. If you are getting this error I would be interested in hearing from you.

January 1 2007 - 4:02 pm

Semi-Annual Advisements

A new year, same old reminders (clip 'n' save):

  • 1. AppleScripts are for Macintosh computers only.
  • 2. AppleScripts are for Macintosh computers only.
  • 3. AppleScripts are for Macintosh computers only.
  • 4. Do not bookmark scripts from your address bar. To spread the word about a particular script, right-click or Control-click its green "link to this entry" button and choose your option.
  • 5. iPod AppleScripts will not work if your iPod is formatted for Windows.
  • 6. The 30 Most Recent AppleScript postings are available via this RSS feed.
  • 7. Before emailing me, check the FAQ.
  • 8. Yes, I am very familiar with the other Douglas Adams (and my poor old elderly mother curses him because I have had to use the diminutive "Doug" in order to avoid the obvious; best joke: at bookstores I tell salespeople my name used to be Emily Bronte but I had to change it because...).
  • 9. I do not much respond to custom script-writing requests. However, if you have an interesting idea, I'm all ears.
  • 10. I think it's great that you have modified scripts from this site for your own use! BUT PLEASE, unless you have created something unique, do not send me script mods. They probably won't get posted.

Thanks for making this site a popular stop on the internet. And thank you very much for any monetary donations you have made, I really appreciate it, and it makes it easier for me to take the time to work on it. Six years, 417 scripts, and counting!

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.