
March 8 2011 - 9:05 pm

Apple Releases iTunes 10.2.1

iTunes v10.2.1 is out now.

February 10 2011 - 8:55 pm

Spins v1.0.3

I've updated Spins to v1.0.3. Spins examines your iTunes library and displays stats about your most played tracks. Left to right, its "Breakouts" window, main window displaying one of four panels, and "Live Spins" floating display:

This latest version fixes an issue configuring hours for display, changes how the total tracks of the same rank are displayed in the Live Spins window, and makes some enhancements for stability. Spins is $10 shareware but the un-registered demo is free to use with limited features. Version 1.0.3 is a free update for registered users.

September 27 2010 - 2:16 pm

UPDATED: Re-Locate Selected v1.2

Re-Locate Selected v1.2 really fixes the version check error at launch. With the hullaballoo over the weekend concerning the latest version of iTunes, I hurriedly posted v1.1 yesterday which did not completely resolve the issue.

September 25 2010 - 2:37 pm

iTunes 10.0.1 Released

Apple has released iTunes 10.0.1 which adds some new features to Ping and makes a few fixes. Kirk McElhearn has a good first-look at Macworld.

September 8 2010 - 4:19 pm

UPDATED: Search Wikipedia v2.2

I have been doing a lot of listening to radio streams in iTunes recently. And because of the "surprise" factor inherent in radio listening, an artist will often be played in a stream that I'm curious about. A good provider will format the current stream title to the somewhat standard format of Artist - Song Name which will be scrolled in the the iTunes display while the stream is, er, streaming. Search Wikipedia v2.2 can now detect if a stream is playing, and, if the current stream title is formatted correctly, search Wikipedia using the artist portion of the title. Of course, otherwise, Search Wikipedia will use the playing or selected track's tags as the basis for a Wikipedia article search.

September 3 2010 - 12:27 pm

UPDATED: Change Hidden iTunes Preferences v2.2

Change Hidden iTunes Preferences v2.2 includes the hack going around that restores the iTunes 10 title bar and control buttons to horizontal.

September 2 2010 - 5:44 am

iTunes 10 Now Available

Apple released iTunes 10 yesterday, available from the iTunes download page and Software Update (it was about 8 hours between Steve Jobs' announcement and the release). iTunes 10 has a new look, an AirTunes reboot with AirPlay, and the new "Ping" social networking feature. As far as I can tell, current AppleScripts and apps from this site work as well as they always have on iTunes 10. I'll have more compatibility information if necessary after I check around with my iTunes Buddies.

June 16 2010 - 5:56 pm

iTunes 9.2 Now Available

Apple has made iTunes 9.2 available via Software Update. If you have the pre-release beta version that was released for devs a couple of weeks ago then you'll have to get the official 9.2 from Apple's iTunes download page.

April 6 2010 - 10:36 am

Join Together v6.0.1 Available

Join Together v6.0.1 fixes some bugs that arrived in the v6.0 version:

  • fixed issue whereby file would not finish up export
  • addressed issue with QuickTime not creating new document
  • fixed issues that emerged with iTunes 9.1
  • fixed error if no user playlists [Plus version]
  • other minor fixes

Several Correspondents provided a lot of excellent trouble-shooting help on this. I really appreciate their time and effort. Future users salute them!

March 30 2010 - 7:43 pm

iTunes 9.1 - Books

Following Kirk's tip, I downloaded a version of P.G. Wodehouse's "Right Ho, Jeeves" from Gutenberg, added it to iTunes, and did some 'script to it.

It behaves like a track in that it has most of the same properties, can be copied to playlists, and so on. The track kind of a track-that-is-a book is "Book", at least my Wodehouse book's is "Book". Properties that don't apply to "bookness", such as start and finish, time, and so on, return zero or null values. Still, some operations you would perform on a music track will error when you run them on a book track, eg: setting the lyrics property.

Books can have artwork. And—perhaps obviously—Books can't be copied to an iPod/iPhone.

More as it develops.

[UPDATE: the kind of a book track may actually vary depending on the, uh, kind of book. That is, if iTunes "knows" it's a book from iBooks, then the kind may be "Purchased iBook" for all I know.]

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.