Spins v1.0.2 Released
Spins analyzes your iTunes library and displays your most played tracks arranged and ranked by a variety of "breakout" configurations, not just the number of track spins...show rankers and breakouts based on plays by Song, Artist, Album; rankings can be filtered by Rating, Genre, and Year; see rankings for the entire library or a single playlist. Spins can give you a live-updated snaphot of plays and simple play percentages...give you instant play data on the currently playing or selected track...
With the registered version of Spins you can:
- Quickly generate most-played track rankings from your iTunes library
- Easily configure up to four panels each displaying various track plays and ranking information
- Rank most played tracks, Artists, or Albums
- Rank track plays in the total library or in selected playlists
- Count unique track plays or pooled-from-the-artist's-albums track plays
- Sort and filter track plays by Artist, Genre, Rating, and Year
- Display plays data for the current playing track or a selected iTunes track
- Display breakouts by Artists, Composers, Genres, Ratings, and Years
Updated in version 1.0.2 (current):
- fixes issues when switching between multiple libraries
- fixes bug displaying panels when selected playlist no longer exists in current library
- fixes issue whereby initial scan of library cannot complete
- will ignore radio stream play counts
- fixes bug with "No Limit" setting (registered version)
- added preference toggle to re-set panel options to defaults on each launch (registered version)
- added Sparkle framework to provide update notifications and installations
This version is a free upgrade for registered users of v1.x.x.
Give Spins a spin...and see what you've been spinning.