Managing Track Info

November 24 2020 - 5:22 pm

UPDATED: CD Text to CD Info v5.5

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This applet will attempt to extract the CD Text information from the selected audio CD in the Music app and apply it to the CD's disc and track tags.

Some commercial CDs and commercial CD burning software (including the Music app) can use CD Text as a method of including text data on an audio CD. This data can include Artist (Performer), Album, Composer, Track Title, and Genre info. See the Read Me for more information.

Latest version:

  • Fixes a bug with entering text into the disc count field
  • v5.4 (nov 1, 2020):
  • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

More information for CD Text to CD Info v5.5 and download link is here.

November 20 2020 - 1:28 pm

NEW: Clipboard to Lyrics v3.0

This script will copy text from the clipboard (text you have copied from an email, text document or web page, for instance) to the Lyrics tag of the currently playing track or selected track(s). Saves a few mouse-clicks anyway. Don't forget to add a keyboard shortcut.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Performance, UI and security enhancements

More information for Clipboard to Lyrics v3.0 and download link is here.

November 6 2020 - 8:27 am

UPDATED: Increment Number Tags v3.4

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script will incrementally number your choice of the Track Number, Movement Number, Episode Number, Episode ID tags, and track Name prefix of the selected tracks. Additionally, a Track Count, Disc Number/Count and/or Movement Count can be applied to each track, Episode ID can be configured with additional text incorporating the number, and zero-padding up to five digits can be applied. (The selected tracks must be sorted by ascending Play Order for accurate results.)

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Performance, UI and security enhancements

More information for Increment Number Tags v3.4 and download link is here.

November 4 2020 - 1:18 pm

UPDATED: This Tag That Tag v5.6

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This applet will assist with swapping, copying, and appending data between two user-chosen tags in selected tracks or tracks in the selected playlist:

Swap - swap data between tags, ex: ARTISTCOMPOSER
Copy - copy data from one to another tag, ex: ARTIST->COMPOSER ARTIST
Append - append data from one tag to the end of another, ex: ARTIST->COMPOSER - ARTIST
Prepend - append data from one tag to the beginning of another, ex: ARTIST->ARTIST - COMPOSER

The latter three actions also provide an option to delete the info from the first tag after the copy. Read Me explains all.

This app is free to try full-featured in Demo Mode. In Demo Mode it will only process 12 tracks per launch. If you like it you can purchase a code for $1.99 which will unlock the 12-track restriction. Launch the app and click "Register…" in its File menu to make an in-app purchase.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Performance, UI and security enhancements

More information for This Tag That Tag v5.6 and download link is here.

November 3 2020 - 8:28 pm

UPDATED: Search-Replace Tag Text v6.5

For macOS 10.15 and later only. Performs a search-and-replace on the text in your choice of track tags in the Music or TV app (Title, Artist/Director, Album Artist, Album, Composer, Comments, Genre, Grouping, Show, Movement or Work) in the selected tracks or all the tracks in the selected Playlist. Features case sensitivity and whole word match options and "Test run" preview.

This app is free to try in Demo Mode. In Demo Mode only up to 5 tracks can be processed per launch. You can purchase a code for $1.99 which will remove the 5-track Demo Mode restriction. Launch the app and click "Register..." in the its File menu to make an in-app purchase.

Latest version:

  • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

More information for Search-Replace Tag Text v6.5 and download link is here.

November 3 2020 - 6:46 pm

UPDATED: Remove n Characters From Front or Back v6.6

For macOS 10.15 or later. This script lets you delete a specified number of characters from either the beginning or the ending of the Title, Album, Album Artist, Artist/Director, Category, Comments, Composer, Episode ID, Grouping, Show (or their "Sort" siblings), Movement or Work tag of each selected track. For example, delete the initial digits and the space from "01 First Track", "02 Second Track", and so on.

This app is free to try full-featured in Demo Mode, with the exception that only up to five tracks can be processed per launch. You can purchase a code for $1.99 which will remove this restriction. Launch the app and click "Register..." in the its File menu to make an in-app purchase.

Latest version:

  • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

More information for Remove n Characters From Front or Back v6.6 and download link is here.

November 3 2020 - 6:30 pm

UPDATED: Remove Leading-Trailing Spaces v2.3

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script will remove any number of extra space characters at the beginning and ending of chosen tags (Title, Artist/Director, Album Artist, Album, Composer, Genre, Grouping, Movement, Work and Show) in the selected tracks.

Latest version:

  • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

More information for Remove Leading-Trailing Spaces v2.3 and download link is here.

November 3 2020 - 4:01 pm

UPDATED: Rate Me! Rate Me! v6.2

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This stay-open applet watches your playing tracks and when one begins playing displays a notification-sized panel whereby a rating for the track can be entered. Features options to display only unrated playing tracks and timer preferences for how soon and how long the panel is displayed.
While you could easily rate the current track from the Music app's icon in the Dock, this script interrupts you and compels you to do so.

Latest version:

  • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

More information for Rate Me! Rate Me! v6.2 and download link is here.

November 3 2020 - 3:42 pm

UPDATED: Proper English Title Capitalization v4.4

For macOS 10.15 and later only. Capitalizes the first letter of each word in your choice of the Title, Artist, Album Artist, Album, Comments, Composer, Grouping, Movement, Work, or Show tags of the selected tracks, but based on conventional rules of title capitalization in the English language. Thus, "what it feels like for a girl (above and beyond 12'' club mix)" becomes "What It Feels Like for a Girl (Above and Beyond 12'' Club Mix)". Two user-editable Exception Lists can handle words that should not be title-capped or modified. Test Run feature enables you to see what would be changed displayed in a separate Test Run Log window.

Latest version:

  • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

More information for Proper English Title Capitalization v4.4 and download link is here.

November 3 2020 - 1:29 pm

UPDATED: New Last Played Date v5.2

For macOS 10.15 and later. Set Last Played/Last Skipped date of selected tracks to a new date, with option to increase or decrease Plays/Skips, or set to no date and no Plays/Skips.

Also see Add or Subtract Play Count.

iCloud Music Library/Apple Music users should be aware of a potential bug.

Latest version:

  • Additional accommodations for macOS 11 Big Sur

More information for New Last Played Date v5.2 and download link is here.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.