Managing Track Info

December 26 2011 - 2:07 pm

NEW: Delete All Lyrics

It's often interesting to look through the search queries this site gets to see what people are looking for. Over the past few months the phrase "delete all lyrics" has been showing up pretty frequently. Don't know why it is—seems like it wasn't so long ago the phrase "find song lyrics" was more prominent. Fads! Who can predict 'em?

I already have a script that will delete the lyrics of a selection of tracks. But this would be rather slow if you used it against every track in the library. So I've posted Delete All Lyrics. This is a Cocoa-AppleScript applet (for OS 10.6 and 10.7 only) that will fairly quickly go through all the tracks in the "Music" playlist and delete the lyrics. So whether you're tired of trying to sing-along or just need to clear out some bytes, it should do the trick.

November 30 2011 - 2:32 pm

UPDATED: Search-Replace Tag Text v3.0

Search-Replace Tag Text performs a search-and-replace with the text in your choice of tag (Song Name, Show, Artist, Album Artist, Album, Composer, Comments, Genre, or Grouping) in the selected tracks or all the tracks in the selected Playlist.

This latest version is written as a Cocoa-AppleScript applet for OS 10.6 and 10.7 only and features case sensitive and whole word matching, as well as a "dry run" mode that will display a list of what will be changed before you actually commit to the search and replace.

November 5 2011 - 10:42 am

UPDATED: Sundry Info to Comments (or Category or Description) v3.0

I sometimes hear it lamented that tracks in iTunes don't have a tag for file path or account ID or other sundry information. While you can't add new tags to a track or new columns to the iTunes browser window you can use existing less-frequently-used tags to store some of that information. I often copy a track's location (file path) to its comment tag so I can do a sort by file location when I sort by Comments. But there's some information about a track or its file that isn't as easily accessible. For instance, there's no track property for a purchased track's account ID. You have to get that by other means. And that's what this script does.

Sundry Info To Comments v3.0 is a Cocoa-AppleScript applet that copies your single choice of file name, file path (location), parent folder name, current playlist, sound volume, file's Spotlight comments, file creation date, purchase name or purchase account ID to the Category, Comments or Description tag of each selected track.

Being able to copy such data into one of these tags make it sortable or available for Smart Playlist criteria.

October 5 2011 - 11:21 am

UPDATED: Rate Me! Rate Me! v4.0

Rate Me! Rate Me! watches your playing tracks and when an un-rated track starts playing displays a window with a demand it be rated.

While you could easily rate the current track from the iTunes icon in the Dock, this script interrupts you and compels you to do so.

This latest version is re-written as a Cocoa-AppleScript Applet for OS X 10.6 and 10.7 only.

August 15 2011 - 11:47 am

UPDATED: Remove n Characters v4.2

Remove n Characters From Front or Back v4.2 adds a progress display during processing and provides the ability to preview each selected track.

August 8 2011 - 8:21 am

NEW: Increment Number Tags v1.0

Increment Number Tags will incrementally number your choice of the Track Number, Episode Number, Episode ID tags, and track Name prefix of the selected tracks. Additionally, a Track Count can be applied to each track, Episode ID can be configured with additional text incorporating the number, and zero-padding up to three digits can be applied. (The selected tracks must be sorted by ascending Play Order for accurate results.)

July 27 2011 - 9:22 am

Bevy of Updates

I've just updated the last batch of scripts most recently posted to account for iTunes' full-screen mode in Lion. My good friend Kirk McElhearn is a devoted iTunes-in-full-screen-mode user and he describes the situation so elegantly that you might as well read about it at his site.

The latest scripts re-posted with quick updates are: Super Remove Dead Tracks v3.1, Remove n Characters From Front or Back v4.1, Save Album Art to Album Folder v4.1, Save Album Art as folder.jpg v2.1, and Re-Apply Downsized Artwork v2.1.

So, if you picked any of those up in the past couple of days, you may want to re-up to the latest versions.

May 21 2011 - 1:18 pm

UPDATED: Discogs Search Kit v1.1

About a month ago I started getting emails from users reporting that Discogs Search Kit wasn't getting track info correctly. I finally got around to making some fixes. This latest version of Discogs Search Kit makes accommodations for formatting changes at Discogs, which apparently were implemented a month or so ago (April 2011).

January 11 2011 - 2:05 pm

Fix a iOS Sorting Anomaly

Correspondent Roy Gatsby brought this GigaOM article to my attention which discusses a supposed bug in the latest iOS regarding the sorting of TV Shows on iOS devices. Apparently, non-iTunes Store TV Show episodes may not sort correctly if the Artist is not also the Show name. The recommended fix, therefore, is to open up a track's Get Info window and manually copy the Show tag text and paste it to the Artist tag.

Wait. Manually?

I recommend using the "Put This in That" script from the This Tag, That Tag Scripts collection. It will allow you to copy Show to Artist on a batch of selected tracks.

By the way, changing the Artist tag does not compel iTunes to change the location of the TV Show file since iTunes does not organize TV Shows in the iTunes Media folder by the Artist tag as it does with Music files.

November 18 2010 - 12:55 pm

Where'd My Half-Star Ratings Go?

I've been hearing from Correspondents that the half-stars they had meticulously set in their track ratings have disappeared. I think one of the v10 updates wiped out the half-star preference or something. Anyway, you can bring back the half-stars by doing the Terminal thing (quit iTunes first):

defaults write allow-half-stars -bool YES

Or you can use Change Hidden iTunes Preferences which has an option to toggle 'em.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.