Managing Tracks

April 11 2010 - 11:03 am

NEW: Mark All Episodes As Played

A Correspondent bemoaned the loss of the "Mark as..." contextual menu item when control-clicking a Podcast library subscription title while in List View. I wouldn't have noticed that in a million years. Still, it's an expulsion only slightly more arcane than doing away with my beloved Mute button, so I was sympathetic, and produced Mark All Episodes As Played. While the Podcast library is in List View, select any one (or more) episode(s) of a podcast or its subscription title and run this script to mark every episode of the podcast as Played (or Watched). Works great when assigned a shortcut.

August 28 2009 - 2:56 pm

Updated a Handful

Nothing to do with Snow Leopard--what a relief, eh? I've updated seven scripts today:

These seem to be the most popular scripts that are affected by the "none/all" issue introduced in iTunes 8.2. There may be a few others, but I haven't gotten email feedback on those nor have I run across a problem with any other scripts I use regularly. But if you ever get a error like this:

...then let me know.

August 11 2009 - 10:44 am

Re-Posting Stream Startup Script

A couple few days ago I posted a script here that would ping the Radio Paradise stream until its server accepted the connection, suppressing the error dialog that would appear when a connection was denied. Well, that was the wrong version of the script. Here is the correct version, and the one I fire up every morning. You must select a radio stream track first, then run the script:

tell application "iTunes"
	if selection is {} then return
	set strm to (item 1 of selection)
	if (get class of strm) is not URL track then return
			play strm
			exit repeat
		on error m number n
			delay 15
		end try
	end repeat
end tell

The earlier script used the open location command, errors from which could not be defeated with the try block.

February 27 2009 - 9:41 am

UPDATED: No Lyrics to Playlist v2.0

No Lyrics to Playlist has been updated to version 2.0. It will search a selected playlist for all tracks in the selected playlist that do not contain lyrics and copy them to a playlist it will create called "No Lyrics". Includes a second script to clear the "No Lyrics" playlist of tracks with lyrics.

This set of scripts was written by Herwin Lans and originally posted about four years ago. Because of changes in iTunes, it required updating and, particularly, the "Clear No Lyrics Playlist" script needed an over-haul.

December 1 2008 - 12:23 pm

UPDATED: Gather Up the One-Hits v2.2

Gather Up the One-Hits had a persistent problem for some users whereby only a single track would be copied to the "One Hits" playlist. I believe I have fixed the problem, albeit at a cost of some speed; but it should only take a few seconds rather than a few moments to run.

September 14 2008 - 8:46 am

Genius 4010 Error

This Apple forums discussion post describes an error that many iTunes 8 users are getting:

"iTunes 8.0 gathers data about my music library well enough and sends it to Apple too; but then 10-15 seconds into 'processing' by Apple, iTunes stops and reports that 'Genius results can't be updated right now. An unknown error occurred (4010)'. I thought it might be overloaded servers and tried several more times in the hope of squeezing my request in between those of everyone else; but that didn't work; plus if it were a server issue I'd expect to see postings here from others with the same problems, and I'm not."

Several posters have tried removing dead tracks--tracks whose files cannot be located as designated with the encircled exclamation point--from the library using the script Super Remove Dead Tracks and trying again, and although this didn't work for everybody, several posters did get things working correctly afterwards.

August 13 2008 - 11:40 am

NEW: Add from Amazon MP3 Folder v1.0

Is it just that the Amazon MP3 Downloader application won't automatically add downloads to my iTunes or is this a Windows-only feature? Didn't bother to find out for myself because I decided to have a script do it instead. Add from Amazon MP3 Folder will let you choose the Album folders from your "Amazon MP3" downloads folder and add their files to iTunes. Optionally, if you allow iTunes to "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library", you can choose to move the original folder(s) and files out of the "Amazon MP3" download folder and to the Trash after they're added to iTunes. Saves a few keystrokes.

It occurred to me to make this a Folder Action--so that files get added as soon as they hit the "Amazon MP3" downloads folder--but Folder Actions can be dicey when working with internet-downloading files. So, you've got to run this from the iTunes Script menu.

I've also included the script "Open Amazon MP3 Folder" that will open your Amazon MP3 downloads folder and make it the frontmost window in the Finder. This script can be run from iTunes' Script menu as well.

August 6 2008 - 9:12 am

UPDATED: Make Bookmarkable v2.5

The popular Make Bookmarkable has been updated to v2.5 and is now compatible with iTunes 7.7.1. Make Bookmarkable will change the file type of the selected AAC tracks to "M4B " and file extension to ".m4b", thus making them bookmarkable. Additionally, when used with iTunes 7 or better, deletes and re-adds each track so it will appear in the Audiobooks Library. Ratings, play count, last played date, skip count, and skipped date are preserved.

May 30 2008 - 11:06 am

UPDATED: Lossless to AAC Workflow v2.0

I've been wanting to update Lossless to AAC Workflow with some improvements for a while and finally got around to it. As a matter of fact, they were mentioned on a recent Mac Geek Gab Podcast . This is a collection of two scripts that assists with importing/converting Apple Lossless tracks and sending AAC copies to iPod such that you can keep archived Lossless files on your hard drive and manageable AAC files on your iPod. The newest version of the scripts run as universal binary and, in general, has performance fixes and enhancements.

May 13 2008 - 11:51 am

UPDATED: Tracks Without Artwork to Playlist v3.0

Had some time to quickly update Tracks Without Artwork to Playlist to v3.0. It now runs as universal binary and has some performance fixes and finessings.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.