Music app

January 10 2023 - 1:02 pm

UPDATED: Proper English Title Capitalization v5.2

Capitalizes the first letter of each word in your choice of the Title, Artist, Album Artist, Album, Comments, Composer, Grouping, Movement, Work, or Show tags of the selected tracks, but based on conventional rules of title capitalization in the English language. Thus, "what it feels like for a girl (above and beyond 12'' club mix)" becomes "What It Feels Like for a Girl (Above and Beyond 12'' Club Mix)". Two user-editable Exception Lists can handle words that should not be title-capped or modified. Test Run feature enables you to see what would be changed displayed in a separate Test Run Log window.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Proper English Title Capitalization v5.2 and download link is here.

January 10 2023 - 12:52 pm

UPDATED: Coverscope v2.6

This applet will show both the assigned track artwork and the local file's metadata artwork (if any exists) for the selected track. The Track entry artwork well supports copy, paste and drags. Pasting or dragging image data immediately applies the image to the selected track's artwork and attempts to embed it. Additional tools can Embed or Apply artwork between track and file.

Free to use in Demo Mode: While in Demo Mode, these functions will be enabled to use in any combination up to five times per launch:

  • Embed Track Artwork (to the file)
  • Apply Metadata Artwork (to the track entry)
  • Paste or Drag an image file to Apply and Embed
  • Copy Track Artwork to Clipboard
  • Save Track Artwork to File

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Coverscope v2.6 and download link is here.

January 10 2023 - 12:32 pm

UPDATED: Artist to Last-First v5.7

This applet will parse the text of the chosen tag (Artist, Album Artist, Composer or one of their Sort siblings) of a selection of tracks and then can:

Move the LAST word of the tag to the beginning, eg:

  • Hound Dog Taylor -> Taylor, Hound Dog
  • OR Move the FIRST word of the tag to the end, eg:

  • The Crystal Method -> Crystal Method, The
  • Then, the newly configured text can be copied back to your choice of Artist, Album Artist, Composer, Sort Artist, Sort Album Artist and/or Sort Composer tag(s).

    Latest version:

    • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
    • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

    More information for Artist to Last-First v5.7 and download link is here.

    January 8 2023 - 5:29 pm

    NEW: Remove Duplicate Tracks from Playlist v2.0

    Tracks may have been dragged/added/copied to a user playlist two or more times and now each of them appears multiple times in the playlist. This script will remove all but one of these kind of duplicate tracks from a selected playlist. (This does not have anything to do with duplicate media files that each have an individual track entry in the Music library.)

    Latest version:

    • Initial re-release as a script for the Music app

    More information for Remove Duplicate Tracks from Playlist v2.0 and download link is here.

    January 4 2023 - 10:30 pm

    UPDATED: Not In Any Playlist v4.1

    This applet will scan the Music app for tracks that are not assigned to any user-created playlists and display them. Once assembed, selected tracks in the list can be assigned to a user-chosen playlist or exported as a text file.

    Latest version:

    • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
    • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

    More information for Not In Any Playlist v4.1 and download link is here.

    January 4 2023 - 10:21 pm

    UPDATED: Needle Drop v7.6

    This applet plays each track in the selected Music playlist for a set time interval optionally starting at a set number of seconds into each track, beginning with the selected track. Handy for 'scoping playlists.

    Needle Drop will work best on tracks that have local files. Un-cached tracks streamed from the cloud may upset timing while audio is being downloaded.

    Also see Audition End.

    Latest version:

    • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
    • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

    More information for Needle Drop v7.6 and download link is here.

    January 4 2023 - 10:12 pm

    UPDATED: Display File Path v3.2

    This script will float alongside the Music app and continuously monitor it for a single track to be selected and display that track's file path (if it exists); or the script can be set to likewise display the file path of each playing track. Includes Show in Finder and Copy Path to Clipboard options.

    Latest version:

    • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
    • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

    More information for Display File Path v3.2 and download link is here.

    January 4 2023 - 10:02 pm

    UPDATED: Copy Tracks to Multiple Playlists v6.2

    This script will copy the selected tracks to one or more chosen playlists--or move them, after which they will be removed from the source playlist (if possible; tracks cannot be removed from dynamically populated playlists).

    Also see Remove From Other Playlists.

    Latest version:

    • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
    • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

    More information for Copy Tracks to Multiple Playlists v6.2 and download link is here.

    January 1 2023 - 12:54 pm

    UPDATED: Show Me The Metadata v3.2

    This script will display the audio metadata and the Spotlight metadata for the file of a selected track in the Music app or user-selected audio file, or a drag-and-dropped Music track or audio file. Includes additional features to display embedded artwork and activate the Finder's Information Window for the file.

    Latest version:

    • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
    • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

    More information for Show Me The Metadata v3.2 and download link is here.

    January 1 2023 - 12:46 pm

    UPDATED: Save Album Art to Album Folder v7.2

    This script will export the artwork of each of the selected tracks (or the tracks in a selected playlist) as an image file to the folder which contains each selected track's file--presumably each track's Album folder--or to a single user-selected folder. If multiple album tracks are selected, the script will make sure only one artwork file per Album is exported.

    Also see Save Album Art as folder.jpg.

    Latest version:

    • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
    • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

    More information for Save Album Art to Album Folder v7.2 and download link is here.

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    AppleScript, iTunes, iPod, iPad, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. This site has no direct affiliation with Apple, Inc.
    The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.