
July 22 2023 - 4:25 pm

UPDATED: Tracks Without Embedded Artwork v3.2

MP3, AAC and ALAC audio files have the capability to store artwork image data internally as metadata, thus allowing artwork to "travel" with a file. This applet will examine the files of the selected tracks (or tracks in the selected playlist) for artwork metadata. Eligible audio tracks whose files are capable of embedding image data but do not contain artwork metadata will be copied to a new discrete playlist.

Note: Music-assigned artwork may not necessarily be embedded as metadata; pre-ID3v2 MP3s do not store image data; this applet ignores how the Finder may or may not display an audio file's icon image.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance release, general updating
  • Tested successfully in macOS Sonoma 14

More information for Tracks Without Embedded Artwork v3.2 and download link is here.

July 21 2023 - 5:58 pm

UPDATED: Duplicate Playlist Folder as Playlist v3.0

This script will copy all the unique tracks in a selected Playlist Folder to a new "plain" playlist, essentially duplicating the tracks as viewed when the Playlist Folder is selected. Optionally, after copying, the selected source Playlist Folder can be deleted along with the playlists it contains (of course, the tracks remain in your library). Note that if any "dead" tracks exist at any level of the selected Playlist Folder the script will fail.

Latest version:

  • Expanded main window UI to better accommodate settings and options
  • Performance, UI and security enhancements

More information for Duplicate Playlist Folder as Playlist v3.0 and download link is here.

July 3 2023 - 1:48 pm

UPDATED: A Space Between v3.3

This applet will play each track in the selected playlist and will wait (one might say insert but that's technically incorrect) a user-set number of seconds between each. Play can commence at the "top" of the playlist or from a selected track.

Latest version:

  • Corrects UI Scripting issue that may have prevented operation
  • Tested with macOS Sonoma 14

More information for A Space Between v3.3 and download link is here.

June 30 2023 - 12:17 pm

UPDATED: Needle Drop v7.7

This applet plays each track in the selected Music playlist for a set time interval optionally starting at a set number of seconds into each track, beginning with the selected track. Handy for 'scoping playlists.

Needle Drop will work best on tracks that have local files. Un-cached tracks streamed from the cloud may upset timing while audio is being downloaded.

Also see Audition End.

Latest version:

  • Updates UI Scripting to correct an issue that may have prevented operation
  • Tested with macOS Sonoma 14

More information for Needle Drop v7.7 and download link is here.

June 30 2023 - 12:16 pm

UPDATED: Audition End v3.7

Play through each track in a playlist by a set number of seconds (:05 - :60) from the end. Additionally, wait a set number of seconds between each track; when engaged, begins playing from the first track or the first selected track in the playlist.

Also see Needle Drop.

Latest version:

  • Updates UI Scripting to correct an issue that may have prevented operation
  • Tested with macOS Sonoma 14

More information for Audition End v3.7 and download link is here.

June 16 2023 - 11:44 am

UPDATED: Drop and Export Artwork v3.0

Drag-and-drop one or more audio files that contain embedded image metadata to export the image data as a JPEG or PNG file named using tag metadata from each file. Has options to save image files with the source audio files or as a batch in a single user-selected folder.

Latest version:

  • Generally updated from previous 2019 version
  • Tested successfully in macOS Sonoma beta

More information for Drop and Export Artwork v3.0 and download link is here.

June 8 2023 - 2:36 pm

A Word to the Wise

Every year, as Apple begins releasing beta editions of the macOS, I am obliged to remind Smart Readers of the following:

As you know*, beta software is not complete and many features and functions will not work correctly or at all until the final release. As a result, AppleScripts and apps from this site may also, in a cascading sort of way, fail to behave properly.

I will be spending the next few weeks and months with the macOS Sonoma 14 betas to make sure your favorite tools from this site are compatible and updated (if necessary) as soon as possible.

Be that as it may, unless explicitly stated otherwise, do not assume any software from this site will work properly with macOS Sonoma 14 at least until the final version is released in the Fall.

Of course, everything runs fine with macOS Ventura, so, you're not really missing anything.

*You know, right?

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All rights reserved. Privacy.
AppleScript, iTunes, iPod, iPad, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. This site has no direct affiliation with Apple, Inc.
The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.