Managing Track Info

September 2 2009 - 10:55 am

UPDATED: Lyrics via LyricWiki v2.1

Lyrics Via LyricWiki v2.1 addresses some changes in LyricWiki page formatting.

August 28 2009 - 2:56 pm

Updated a Handful

Nothing to do with Snow Leopard--what a relief, eh? I've updated seven scripts today:

These seem to be the most popular scripts that are affected by the "none/all" issue introduced in iTunes 8.2. There may be a few others, but I haven't gotten email feedback on those nor have I run across a problem with any other scripts I use regularly. But if you ever get a error like this:

...then let me know.

August 10 2009 - 9:49 am

UPDATED: Lyrics via LyricWiki v2.0

Since LyricWiki is no longer able to provide lyrics to applications from its API, I put a workaround in Lyrics Via LyricWiki. This script will use the name and artist of the single selected or playing track as the basis for a SOAP query to; fruitful results will be displayed so you can choose to apply the lyrics to the particular track.

February 27 2009 - 9:40 am

NEW: Purchase Date to Comments

Purchase Date to Comments will copy the purchased date--if available--of the selected tracks to the comment tag of each. You can choose either UTC format ("2008-12-27") or localized Short date format ("12/27/08"). UTC dates will be placed at the beginning of any existing comment text to allow tracks to be sorted by comment. Short dates will be placed after any existing comment text. (In either case, Smart Playlists could be created using "Comment contains 2008-12" or "Comment starts with 2008-12".)

December 3 2008 - 10:17 am

NEW: Reset Tracks Start-Stop

Reset Tracks Start-Stop will reset the Start and (optionally) the Stop Time of the selected tracks--or all the tracks of the selected playlist--to "0:00" and (optionally) their entire duration, respectively. (Erg, that could have been written better.)

December 3 2008 - 1:14 am

UPDATED: Reset Bookmarks to Start v2.0

(Formerly "Reset Bookmarks".) Reset Bookmarks to Start will reset the bookmark of each selected track to its Start Time, effectively clearing the bookmark from its position later in the track. Tracks which have been set to "remember playback position" or which are "M4B" types will have a bookmark position.

September 15 2008 - 7:50 am

Another Reprieve

Dan Frakes emailed me with a vote for maintaining Set Video Kind of Selected:

"One that I'd like to see kept alive, so to speak, in some
fashion is Set Video Kind of Selected. Although iTunes 8 does let you
bulk-edit many of these fields, Set Video Kind of Selected has one unique feature that's very
useful: sequential episode numbering."

I had forgotten about that feature. Make Video Tags also has sequential track, episode ID, and episode numbering.

August 21 2008 - 4:03 pm

UPDATE: Selected Tags to Lyrics v1.1

Primarily for iPhone and iPod touch users, Selected Tags to Lyrics will copy any combination of Name, Artist, Album, Grouping, Composer, BPM, Comment, (Long) Description, Year and/or Bit Rate tags to the Lyrics tag of the selected tracks, such that this info will be available with a tap when the track is playing. Can append to or replace current Lyrics info.

Latest version accounts for description and long description, preferring the latter, and adds "year" and "bit rate" as options

August 6 2008 - 9:24 am

UPDATED: Make Video Tags v1.2

Make Video Tags is now at version 1.2. I've added an Enabled Checkbox checkbox (no, not a typo) so that each video can be checked or unchecked in iTunes--handy so vids don't get iPod-sync'd if you'd rather not. Also added obligatory compatibility with iTunes 7.7.1.

June 6 2008 - 1:42 pm

UPDATED: Set Video Kind of Selected v3.1

Set Video Kind of Selected had a small problem running in Tiger: it couldn't get the version of iTunes correctly and threw an error. This is fixed in this latest version.

This script will change the video kind property of the selected tracks to your choice of "Movie", "Music Video" or "TV Show". Additionally, "Show Name", "Season Number", and "Episode Number" can also be set or cleared for each selected track.

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The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.