
December 19 2021 - 3:38 pm

UPDATED: New Last Played Date v6.1

Set Last Played/Last Skipped date of selected tracks to a new date, with option to increase or decrease Plays/Skips, or set to no date and no Plays/Skips.

Also see Add or Subtract Play Count.

Works best when Sync/Cloud Library is disengaged due to a bug.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for New Last Played Date v6.1 and download link is here.

December 19 2021 - 12:17 pm

UPDATED: Album Rating Reset v5.1

This script will allow you to batch set or clear the Album Rating and/or Album Love/Dislike for the albums of the selected tracks or the albums associated with the tracks in a selected playlist (note that only a single track from any album need be selected in order to change the album rating or loved of the entire album). Handy for clearing batches of albums of their user-set album ratings, or re-rating batches of albums.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Album Rating Reset v5.1 and download link is here.

December 18 2021 - 4:42 pm

UPDATED: Sort on First Article v1.1

This script will scan the selected tracks for the Title, Artist, Album Artist, or Album tag. If the tag starts with the specified text ("The", by default, but changeable to "A", "An" or what-have-you) then the full text of that tag will be applied to the track's corresponding Sorting tag.
For example, you may not want a track named "The Look of Love" sorted as "Look of Love" or an artist named "The Three O'Clock" sorted as "Three O'Clock", and so on. By replacing the Sorting tag's abbreviated text with the full text, the item will sort on the initial article.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Sort on First Article v1.1 and download link is here.

December 18 2021 - 4:11 pm

UPDATED: Doug's Check for Update v2.1

Apps and some AppleScript applets from this website already have a "Check for Update..." menu command. But for those that don't, this applet can check for the latest version. Simply drag-and-drop an AppleScript to this applet's icon or double-click to it launch and choose an AppleScript on your machine via an Open Panel to initiate the check.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Doug's Check for Update v2.1 and download link is here.

December 18 2021 - 2:12 pm

UPDATED: Tracks Without Embedded Artwork v3.1

MP3, AAC and ALAC audio files have the capability to store artwork image data internally as metadata, thus allowing artwork to "travel" with a file. This applet will examine the files of the selected tracks (or tracks in the selected playlist) for artwork metadata. Eligible audio tracks whose files are capable of embedding image data but do not contain artwork metadata will be copied to a new discrete playlist.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Tracks Without Embedded Artwork v3.1 and download link is here.

December 17 2021 - 4:32 pm

UPDATED: Super Remove Dead Tracks v6.1

Scans the Music or TV app for tracks whose files are inaccessible or no longer available (so-called "dead" tracks). Outputs a tab-delimited text log listing the tracks by Artist, Name, Album and last known file location. The registered version will delete the tracks.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Super Remove Dead Tracks v6.1 and download link is here.

December 17 2021 - 4:26 pm

UPDATED: Track CPR v4.2

This script will assist with re-associating replacement files with dead tracks. The Music app can perform this task, too, but only one track at a time.

The process takes 3 steps:

  • The script finds and lists the "dead" tracks in the Music library
  • User drag-and-drops potential replacement files to the window; a viable replacement file is one whose name, album and artist metadata matches a dead track's
  • Re-associate viable replacement files with their matched track entries

The Read Me contains additional important details and cautions.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Track CPR v4.2 and download link is here.

December 16 2021 - 1:36 pm

UPDATED: Append to Selected Tag v6.1

Append the same user-entered text to the beginning or ending of the existing text in the chosen tag--Title, Artist (Director), Album Artist, Album, Composer, Comments, Genre, Grouping, Show (or their Sort siblings), Work or Movement--in each selected track.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Append to Selected Tag v6.1 and download link is here.

December 14 2021 - 8:49 pm

UPDATED: Show Me The Metadata v3.1

This script will display the audio metadata and the Spotlight metadata for the file of a selected track in the Music app or user-selected audio file, or a drag-and-dropped Music track or audio file. Includes additional features to display embedded artwork and activate the Finder's Information Window for the file.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs

More information for Show Me The Metadata v3.1 and download link is here.

December 14 2021 - 7:06 pm

UPDATED: Track Down Purchases v5.1

This applet can examine the Music library and sort audio tracks purchased from iTunes into discrete playlists by either the purchaser's name or Apple ID (eg: "Purchased by Jane Smith" or "Purchased by") which in turn will be placed in a "Purchaser Playlists" playlist folder.

Latest version:

  • Officially compiled as Universal
  • Commensurate improvements for M1 Macs
  • Fixes issue that may send extra track copies to results playlists

More information for Track Down Purchases v5.1 and download link is here.

Site contents © 2001 - 2024 (that's right: 2001) Doug Adams and weblished by Doug Adams. Contact support AT dougscripts DOT com. About.
All rights reserved. Privacy.
AppleScript, iTunes, iPod, iPad, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. This site has no direct affiliation with Apple, Inc.
The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.