
February 9 2023 - 12:21 pm

UPDATED: De-Genre v5.1

This script re-assigns the tracks of selected Genres to another Genre, ostensibly so that the original--and consequently any un-assigned-Genres--disappear from the Music app's Genre pop-up list. Of course, it can also be used simply to batch-edit Genres without having to assemble the tracks first.

As you may know, you can make superfluous Genres vanish from the Genre pop-up list simply by eliminating a reference to them in your tracks; when no tracks are assigned to a particular Genre, that Genre will be dropped. (Note however that Music's original Genre names cannot be removed this way; only those accumulated from other sources or created by you.)

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for De-Genre v5.1 and download link is here.

February 9 2023 - 12:11 pm

UPDATED: Apply Embedded Artwork v2.1

This script will examine each selected track's local file for image metadata and apply it as the track's album artwork.

There may be a bug in the way the Music app updates the media library from iTunes which results in "artwork-less" tracks, despite the existence of image metadata in a track's file. This script will try to rectify this for a selection of tracks. Read the Read Me.

February 9 2023 - 11:28 am

UPDATED: Block Party! v5.1

Create a "Block Party!" playlist containing random Artists and a specific number of their randomly selected songs arranged in a row ("two-fers", "three-fers", and so on). You can restrict the size of the "Block Party!" playlist by Number of Artists or Duration in hours. Additionally, you can choose to use a particular Playlist as the source of tracks and include/exclude specific Genres.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Block Party! v5.1 and download link is here.

February 3 2023 - 9:59 pm

UPDATED: Reset Tracks v1.1

The has a "Reset" button in the Details panel of each track's Get Info window which will re-initialize some track properties such as Plays and Skips. This script allows the user to choose which of several additional tags to reset to initialized states, which can be selectively more or less thorough than the's Reset action. Also see the slightly more aggressive Reset Plays.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Reset Tracks v1.1 and download link is here.

February 3 2023 - 7:47 pm

UPDATED: No Lyrics to Playlist v3.1

This script will scan the Music library or a selected playlist for tracks whose "Custom Lyrics" tags are blank and copy them to a new discrete playlist. Can also toggle to search only for tracks with lyrics.

(Please note: The script can only discover tracks with "Custom Lyrics" provided by the user. There is no accounting for lyrics made available via Apple Music or iCloud/Sync Library. That data is inaccessible.)

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for No Lyrics to Playlist v3.1 and download link is here.

February 3 2023 - 6:49 pm

UPDATED: Export Files From Playlists v3.5

This applet will export copies of the files of the tracks in one or more selected playlists to a single user-selected folder.

Also see M3Unify, an app that provides many more options for exporting/converting files from the Music app.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Export Files From Playlists v3.5 and download link is here.

February 3 2023 - 6:18 pm

UPDATED: Assimilate View Options v6.2

This script re-creates each selected playlist so its Songs View column settings (visible columns) are the same as the main "Songs" library.

Works with user-created regular playlists only. Please read the accompanying Read Me .rtfd doc.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Assimilate View Options v6.2 and download link is here.

January 29 2023 - 1:41 pm

UPDATED: Track CPR v4.3

This script will assist with re-associating replacement files with dead tracks. The Music app can perform this task, too, but only one track at a time.

The process takes 3 steps:

  • The script finds and lists the "dead" tracks in the Music library
  • User drag-and-drops potential replacement files to the window; a viable replacement file is one whose name, album and artist metadata matches a dead track's
  • Re-associate viable replacement files with their matched track entries

The Read Me contains additional important details and cautions.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Track CPR v4.3 and download link is here.

January 29 2023 - 1:21 pm

UPDATED: This Tag That Tag v6.2

This applet will assist with swapping, copying, and appending data between two user-chosen tags in selected tracks or tracks in the selected playlist:

Swap - swap data between tags, ex: ARTIST<->COMPOSER
Copy - copy data from one to another tag, ex: ARTIST->COMPOSER ARTIST
Append - append data from one tag to the end of another, ex: ARTIST->COMPOSER - ARTIST
Prepend - append data from one tag to the beginning of another, ex: ARTIST->ARTIST - COMPOSER

The latter three actions also provide an option to delete the info from the first tag after the copy. Read Me explains all.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for This Tag That Tag v6.2 and download link is here.

January 29 2023 - 1:10 pm

UPDATED: Re-Apply Downsized Artwork v5.1

This applet will examine the artwork of each selected track (or tracks in the selected playlist) and if greater than a user-set resolution (n x n pixels) will downscale the image to that resolution. Artwork already at the set resolution or smaller will not be affected. Includes options to pad image to make square, adjust preview proportionally and export displayed artwork to disk.

Latest version:

  • Maintenance and minor performance fixes
  • Accommodations for macOS 13 Ventura

More information for Re-Apply Downsized Artwork v5.1 and download link is here.

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AppleScript, iTunes, iPod, iPad, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. This site has no direct affiliation with Apple, Inc.
The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.