Music app

December 12 2019 - 8:32 pm

UPDATED: Re-Locate Selected v2.1

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This script will re-locate the files of the selected tracks from their current location to a single user-chosen folder. The Music app (or TV app) will be updated with each track's new location and all of each track's meta-data will be preserved. Optionally remove the files from their original location.

NOTE: If your "Keep Media folder organized" preference is set, you will not be able to create new folders or re-locate files in the Media folder; outside of it is OK.

Latest version:

  • Adds support for the TV app
  • Minor adjustments and fixes

More information for Re-Locate Selected v2.1 and download link is here.

December 12 2019 - 5:06 pm

UPDATED: Tracks Without Embedded Artwork v2.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. MP3, AAC and ALAC audio files have the capability to store artwork image data internally as metadata, thus allowing artwork to "travel" with a file. This applet will examine the files of the selected tracks (or tracks in the selected playlist) for artwork metadata. Eligible audio tracks whose files are capable of embedding image data but do not contain artwork metadata will be copied to a new discrete playlist.

Note: Music-assigned artwork may not necessarily be embedded as metadata; pre-ID3v2 MP3s do not store image data; this applet ignores how the Finder may or may not display an audio file's icon image.

Also see Is Artwork Embedded.

To embed artwork to tracks' files try Re-Embed Artwork or Re-Apply Downsized Artwork.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina and the Music app
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Tracks Without Embedded Artwork v2.0 and download link is here.

December 12 2019 - 1:12 pm

UPDATED: Is Artwork Embedded v2.0

For macOS 10.15 and later only. This script will examine the metadata of the audio file of a single selected track for image information and will report if such embedded artwork does or does not exist.

For faster access and activation, assign this script a keyboard shortcut.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Is Artwork Embedded v2.0 and download link is here.

December 12 2019 - 12:44 pm

UPDATED: Export Playlist As Text v4.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later and the Music app only. This script will copy information about the tracks in the selected playlist to the clipboard thereby allowing you to paste it into a document of choice.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina and the Music app
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Export Playlist As Text v4.0 and download link is here.

December 11 2019 - 9:04 pm

UPDATED: Filenames to Song Names v4.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later. This script will rename each selected track's Name tag with its filename (minus the extension). Despite its title, this script will also work with the TV app.

Obviously, files must be local. Perhaps most likely only of use when files are not automatically organized in the Media folder.

To remove characters from the beginning of tag text try using the script Remove n Characters From Front or Back.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Filenames to Song Names v4.0 and download link is here.

December 11 2019 - 6:44 pm

UPDATED: Skip Back or Ahead v3.0

Floating panel allows you to control rewinding or skipping forward in the currently playing track by a user-entered number of seconds (1-120). Optionally, play/pause the current track. Useful for 'scoping through tracks, making transcriptions, and so on.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • UI tidying
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Skip Back or Ahead v3.0 and download link is here.

December 3 2019 - 1:22 am

That Category Tag

When iTunes was ka-blammed into the Media apps, I thought it was interesting to see how track tags were re-assigned. Obviously, tags like Season, Show and Episode ID are TV app-centric so they were removed from the Music app. Similarly, the Album and Album Artist tags do not appear for TV Shows or Movies in the TV app. And so on.

So I guess Category has always been a Music-centric tag. I knew that it was used by Podcast tracks, but I've recently noticed that some of my radio stream tracks (originally dragged from Radio Stations in iTunes) also use it. Wouldn't it be useful to put the Category tag into service as a secondary Genre tag, or what have you?

But there's no easy way to access the Category tag. It doesn't appear in a track's Info panel. I'm pretty sure it isn't written to its file's metadata. And although the Category column can still be seen in Songs View, Category tags can't be edited there either, like a cell in a table, as other tags can be.

Happily, our benefactors at Apple have kept the AppleScript category property available. Here is a script that will allow you to view and/or edit the Category tags of the selected tracks in the Music app:

December 2 2019 - 8:24 pm

UPDATED: Size of Artwork v3.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. This script will display the size (width x height) of the artwork of the single selected track.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Size of Artwork v3.0 and download link is here.

December 2 2019 - 8:23 pm

UPDATED: Sort by Artwork Size v2.0

For macOS 10.15 Catalina and later only. For users who are particular about managing artwork, this script can write the size of a track's artwork (eg: "600x600") to choice of Category, Comments, or Description tag (enabling tracks to be sorted by artwork size in a playlist using the chosen tag) and/or copy tracks with artwork less than or greater than a user-entered size to a new discrete playlist, named, for example, "Artwork < 300".

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Sort by Artwork Size v2.0 and download link is here.

November 29 2019 - 10:48 am

UPDATED: Find Empty Media Folders v2.0

For macOS 10.15 and later. This applet will traverse the Media folder looking for and displaying any sub-folders that are either empty or that do not contain Media-apps-playable media, such as text or image files.

Free to use in Demo Mode: While in Demo Mode, several convenient features will be disabled, including

  • Show Finder Information Window
  • Reveal in Finder
  • Send to Trash
  • Select all Empty/non-Empty
  • Scan other user-selected folder

Also see Media Folder Files Not Added.

To purchase a registration code, download and launch the app. Click "Register..." in its File menu and follow the prompts to purchase a code for $2.99. When your payment is processed, you will be emailed a registration code that will unlock the Demo Mode restrictions.

Latest version:

  • Accommodations for macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Performance and security enhancements

More information for Find Empty Media Folders v2.0 and download link is here.

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AppleScript, iTunes, iPod, iPad, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. This site has no direct affiliation with Apple, Inc.
The one who says "it cannot be done" should not be interrupting the one who is doing it.